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NHS to charge health tourists

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There was a programme on the tele some while back about this very subject.

a lady came from some under developed country, and gave birth to premature triplets, she had a lengthy stay in hospital, and sadly one baby died. on top of that she received a bill for something like £250.000 . obviously she could"nt pay. so the NHS just wrote it of.


Saw the programme,the guy wasn't having much success in getting payments.

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The rest of the world use physical ID cards or other digitally embedded systems to protect their taxpayers and prevent the abuse of welfare. Of course there's absolutely no reason why Britain couldn't pursue something similar, but ultimately the barriers which prevent us doing so are political in nature rather than technical.



Countries Which Won’t Let You In Without Health Insurance -


Cuba, The UAE, Antarctica, Qatar, Turkey, The USA and many more. So why are we so backward?



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Antarctica. Haha.


is Antarctica a country?


A continent yes surely. But not a country.


I'd certainly want full health cover if I ever went there. Not to mention a top-of-the-range umbrella. I understand it's rather wet, and very windy in addition to being cold.

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Just heard on radio from today the hns is to start charging so called health tourist for some treatments is this too little too late or harsh?


It's not the NHS, it's more like the Worlds Heath Care WHS. Has anyone ever tried to get Heath care anywhere else, even in the EU without insurance or credit card?

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It's a scheme to spend huge amounts extra on NHS administration just for the Government getting headline about being tough on foreigners. It will mostly affect those who can't possibly afford to pay anyway. Personally, i would prefer people with infectious or other diseases to get medical treatment than not.

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It's a scheme to spend huge amounts extra on NHS administration just for the Government getting headline about being tough on foreigners. It will mostly affect those who can't possibly afford to pay anyway. Personally, i would prefer people with infectious or other diseases to get medical treatment than not.


Aye, before they put one foot on British soil.

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