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London congestion charge.

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thats naughty. But the silence of our socialist friends is deafening on the subject. If the government had brought this extra charge in they would be screaming from the rooftops about them attacking the poor.


do the ‘poor’ drive into Central London ?


It’s a very simple question that you dodged with the skill of a politician avoiding the question he was asked, and giving the answer to the question he wanted to be asked instead.


I’m impressed :)


Have you considered going into politics, because your talents are clearly being wasted in whatever it is you’re doing at the moment.


So for the third time:


Do the ‘poor’ drive into Central London ?


A simple Yes or a No will do, no need for a political speech, thanks all the same.

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do the ‘poor’ drive into Central London ?


It’s a very simple question that you dodged with the skill of a politician avoiding the question he was asked, and giving the answer to the question he wanted to be asked instead.


I’m impressed :)


Have you considered going into politics, because your talents are clearly being wasted in whatever it is you’re doing at the moment.


So for the third time:


Do the ‘poor’ drive into Central London ?


A simple Yes or a No will do, no need for a political speech, thanks all the same.

I'm sure some poorer people drive into London.
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do the ‘poor’ drive into Central London ?


It’s a very simple question that you dodged with the skill of a politician avoiding the question he was asked, and giving the answer to the question he wanted to be asked instead.


I’m impressed :)


Have you considered going into politics, because your talents are clearly being wasted in whatever it is you’re doing at the moment.


So for the third time:


Do the ‘poor’ drive into Central London ?


A simple Yes or a No will do, no need for a political speech, thanks all the same.


It's for vehicles that aren't up to Euro 4 standard which is really rather old. I'm not sure there will be that many on the roads. Poor people do have lungs though, I'd bet more of them suffer and/or die as a result of londons polluted air than own a Euro 3 rated vehicle.

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It's for vehicles that aren't up to Euro 4 standard which is really rather old. I'm not sure there will be that many on the roads. Poor people do have lungs though, I'd bet more of them suffer and/or die as a result of londons polluted air than own a Euro 3 rated vehicle.

I agree with you. But the older vehicles will be mainly owned by poorer people who can ill afford the extra charge. I'm also sure that if that if a conservative mayor had introduced the charge it would be decried by the left has another attack on the poor.

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i'm a leftie, and no, i wouldn't.


...older vehicles will be mainly owned by poorer people who can ill afford the extra charge...


exactly, we're talking about an *additional* charge. the people affected are already paying £10/day, sorry, £11.50/day, to drive in central London (and presumably even more to park).


we're not talking about 'the poor'.

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The issue here isn't an attack on the poor, it's that the science behind the exclusion is wrong. There have been many articles, investigations and experiments into the amount of harmful particles released by cars in the real world as opposed to tests which as VW showed are easy to rig or are not reliable. Any ban on polluting cars or additional charges is a good thing, but they need to accurate target the right vehicles and that isn't necessarily older ones.

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