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London congestion charge.

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The issue here isn't an attack on the poor, it's that the science behind the exclusion is wrong. There have been many articles, investigations and experiments into the amount of harmful particles released by cars in the real world as opposed to tests which as VW showed are easy to rig or are not reliable. Any ban on polluting cars or additional charges is a good thing, but they need to accurate target the right vehicles and that isn't necessarily older ones.


It certainly doesnt.



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i'm a leftie, and no, i wouldn't.




exactly, we're talking about an *additional* charge. the people affected are already paying £10/day, sorry, £11.50/day, to drive in central London (and presumably even more to park).


we're not talking about 'the poor'.

your argument suggests that poorer people don't drive into central London. The people I saw being interviewed were not wealthy just ones trying to make a living and expressing their concerns.
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Watched a programme the other day (forgot it's name) and the Doctor featured poured scorn on the figures that "die" due to City pollution. By applying maths or something or the other to work out the "real" figure, his best calculation is that "some" people may, or indeed may not die a couple of days earlier than they might do.


Looks to me that the sheeples are been taken for a ride, and paying £21.50 a day for it. Coming to a City near you - soon.



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Watched a programme the other day (forgot it's name) and the Doctor featured poured scorn on the figures that "die" due to City pollution. By applying maths or something or the other to work out the "real" figure, his best calculation is that "some" people may, or indeed may not die a couple of days earlier than they might do.


Looks to me that the sheeples are been taken for a ride, and paying £21.50 a day for it. Coming to a City near you - soon.




I heard a radio programme the other day where several scientists and other experts came on and said the figures given on deaths due to pollution were merely the tip of the iceberg. We may never know the true figure but it could be upwards of 10 or 100 times more than are being acknowledged.


I think they used maths too to prove their analysis.

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The results vary depending on how you analyse it.

People aren't dropping dead in the street because of car exhausts, but they are more likely to develop (and possibly die from) respiratory diseases.


You have to remember though that this process takes many years and there's no controlling for other factors that could also cause similar issues.


Did old Doris die because of air pollution??

or did she die because her partner chain-smoked for 50 years and she worked in a dusty factory??

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Will an extra £10 tax have any effect on pollution levels in central London?

Will it discourage drivers in older cars who have to go into /through central London from entering the area?

Will it encourage drivers to purchase a new car?


One word answers please.

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Will an extra £10 tax have any effect on pollution levels in central London?


Will it discourage drivers in older cars who have to go into /through central London from entering the area?



Will it encourage drivers to purchase a new car?


One word answers please.

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