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Jared Omara MP ..

Message added by nikki-red

We understand that this is an emotive subject, and discussing the facts is totally fine.
Posting insults is not.
Jared is local to us, and could well be a member of the forum, we dont allow name calling and insults on other threads and they arent acceptable on this one either.

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Think you are love - in more ways than one.

Cheerio Nick x


"Do you believe everything you are fed?" Still chuckling at that one.


Keep fighting that pesky 'Mainstream Media'. It's thanks to them everyone believes the world is round, and people believe facts and figures, rather than the good old fashioned "he was nice to me, so he can't possibly be not nice" attitude that would serve us so well.


Next up: Johnathon Aitkin didn't tell lies as he helped me once with my shopping, and anyone that thinks is he did only does so because they believe 'internet hype' and are 'prejudiced'.......

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Hang on, an autistic, celerabal palsy sufferer was a nightclub bouncer, I’m not desputing what you posted, but can you please elaborate? :confused:


He worked on the door and DJ-ed at West Street Live for years.


Most of his reputation for misogyny and homophobia come from his widely-observed behaviour in that role, not his internet hate spiel.


This isn't a slur on WSL by the way - which (in my opinion) is otherwise a nice family business


Here's a news story about it anyway: https://www.shefnews.co.uk/2017/10/31/sophie-evans-west-street-live-knew-what-jared-o-mara-was-like/

Edited by Dan_Ashcroft
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And he has done - with dignity.


What.. If he wanted to do the dignified thing then he would have stepped down as an MP.


---------- Post added 25-07-2018 at 17:20 ----------


Why do you think he didn't ?


I didn't say that he didn't and was asking a question. ;)


But, it seems like you must agree with his past crass comments to be such a fanboy.

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Everyone deserves a second chance.

Have you never done anything in the past that you regretted ?


Unfortunately for Jared politicians very rarely get second chances in the modern era. Just ask Nick Clegg or Tony Blair how much political capital they have after a misstep.


Time to stop the mouth frothing, stand back and see how he performs.

If it all goes pear shaped then I'm sure you will be the first on here to say 'I told you so'.

But meanwhile - allow him to get on with it and see how he performs.

His speech was not 'truely awful' - this is your prejudice speaking I think.

The Speaker of the House didn't think so.

He has made a good start - now that he has been allowed to.


O'Mara did not speak in the chamber for more than a year after his election, we already know how he's performing.

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Unfortunately for Jared politicians very rarely get second chances in the modern era. Just ask Nick Clegg or Tony Blair how much political capital they have after a misstep.




O'Mara did not speak in the chamber for more than a year after his election, we already know how he's performing.


Are you calling the Iraq war a "misstep"?

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I've known him fairly well over the years. He's all the bad things people say about him and worse.


He's a nasty nightclub bouncer who has fluked his way into a cushty job he can't get sacked from for 5 years, effectively thieving our taxes.


Seems fair. Nice work if you can get it.

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Why can’t people leave him be and give him a chance?


A chance for what?


He is supposed to be an elected member of parliament representing the people and paid for by the people.


He knows full well that such role comes with great responsibility including having every inch of your past, present and future behaviour, words, history and day to day life under constant observation, speculation, criticism and review.


That includes so called 'regrettable behaviour' and vile written words that he may or may not have done in the past (.....which in any event was done when he was a grown adult in his 20s running a business, sitting on voluntary committees and and old enough to know better). Did he really think people would not take a look and it come back to bite him on the backside.


Here he is now with his pathetic attempts to gain sympathy by crying about "being treated as a criminal by the party", making some empty gesture of going independent and most recently seemingly finding god. This chump doesn't just play the victim card he has a whole deck.


He blew it. He had his chance.


Corbyn's cult blew it. So desprate were they to get a momentum backed candidate in place - they failed to do the first simple check. Get dirt digging to see what the opposition might drag up and use against you.


Politics 101.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Why can’t people leave him be and give him a chance?


You mean like they do with the likes of May, Farage, Johnson or Corbyn?


He is now in the world of politics and privilege, and has inherited all that goes with that. As the saying goes, "if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen."

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