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Jared Omara MP ..

Message added by nikki-red

We understand that this is an emotive subject, and discussing the facts is totally fine.
Posting insults is not.
Jared is local to us, and could well be a member of the forum, we dont allow name calling and insults on other threads and they arent acceptable on this one either.

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However I do feel a little uncomfortable with someone trawling online to see what he wrote as a youngster (yes I know adult but still) but still it is a good example for young people to see that what they share online can come back to bite you on the a*s.


Why? That's obvious with today's 'internet youth'


I've been warning about this since 2007, and yet people just called ME an idiot, and paranoid.


I've written so much online now (in here for 12 years) that if I applied for PM (as it were in simple analogy) - it's likely someone will find an old post and use it against me. That's the way things are now, and parents should be telling this to children. The only advice is usually - don't be groomed by people, when all the time they are being groomed by advertisers to make money for facetwit type things. They should be warned against 'lolling' to what are generally just passive and harmless jokes.



However I do feel a little uncomfortable with someone trawling online to see what he wrote as a youngster (yes I know adult but still) but still it is a good example for young people to see that what they share online can come back to bite you on the a*s.

same as. I can find my own posts for 10 years ago warning this.


Parents aren't bother or aren't aware because of their own lives.

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Totally expected outcome . Hes apologised for his racist, homophobic ,misogynistic comments , says hes not like that anymore and hes willing to work with the LGBT community ( nowt to do with worrying about losing best paid job hes ever likely to have) . So all is well


If apologies for past behavior are all it takes to be suitable as an MP, then the floodgates really are open for all manner of convicted criminals and corrupt individuals....


"Oh yeah, I was a racist, now I'm not. I'm a new man. Promise."

"Sure. Have a job".


This stuff isn't the normal comments that people make. It's extreme stuff- not some silly jokes taken out of context. Normal people aren't posting this sort of stuff all over the internet.


As an MP, things like this just won't wash. They might in other careers, but not as an MP.

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He looked at me a bit funny a few years ago.. still.. at least he didn't do things with a pig (previous PM) or openly admit to abusing women (US President)


I think misogynist, homophonic and xenophobic slurs and abuse are much worse than putting your todger in a dead pigs mouth (if he even did do that, we only have Ashcroft's word for it).


Trump is utterly objectionable yes, but I fail to see the relevance.

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If apologies for past behavior are all it takes to be suitable as an MP, then the floodgates really are open for all manner of convicted criminals and corrupt individuals....


"Oh yeah, I was a racist, now I'm not. I'm a new man. Promise."

"Sure. Have a job".


This stuff isn't the normal comments that people make. It's extreme stuff- not some silly jokes taken out of context. Normal people aren't posting this sort of stuff all over the internet.


As an MP, things like this just won't wash. They might in other careers, but not as an MP.


That's not strictly true. I'd suggest the likes of Dennis Skinner, or indeed Cameron for a bit of balance, could plant a burning cross on their front lawn and win regardless.

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There's a big Momentum meeting tomorrow where they are going to decide whether to force him to resign.


A good place for women's and LGBT rights groups to protest outside?


Wednesday October 25, 7-9pm, Central United Reformed Church, Norfolk Street


There is no mention on the agenda about that, where did you hear this?

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There is no mention on the agenda about that, where did you hear this?


He probably read it on Guido Fawkes' blog. Whatever, it's not true, the meeting was arranged earlier but notifications have only just gone out.

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Just a person who needs chastising for what he has done!


Whatever was said/done 14 years ago, well lots of people are getting outed for what they have done so he should face the consequences too.


However I do feel a little uncomfortable with someone trawling online to see what he wrote as a youngster (yes I know adult but still) although it is a good example for young people to see that what they share online can come back to bite you on the a*s.


I think that we'll be seeing more of this in the future, not just in politics - but in other high profile jobs; where people will scour the internet for controversial comments made years ago.

Not that I hold any brief for Omara. The things he said were vile, though I can testify, as a gay man, that being called a 'fudgepacker' or a 'puffter' is unexceptional. I've no problem with him being kicked out of the party.


I think what's done it for Omara is the hypocrisy. As Boris Johnson has proved, time and again, you can be as insensitive or as bigoted as your average EDL knuckle dragger; but if you say it with a plummy accent, or people don't sense that being a knob head is inconsistent with your political ideology, then anything goes....

I mean, if the Labour Party's Shadow Foreign Secretary had complained about 'picaninnies with water melon smiles,' forum Tories would be taking the **** about Labour having a Foreign Secretary going to Africa publically making racist comments. But seeing as though it's good old Tory Boris, few think it's remarkable.

Edited by Mister M
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I think that we'll be seeing more of this in the future, not just in politics - but in other high profile jobs; where people will scour the internet for controversial comments made years ago.

Not that I hold any brief for Omara. The things he said were vile, though I can testify, as a gay man, that being called a 'fudgepacker' or a 'puffter' is unexceptional. I've no problem with him being kicked out of the party.


I think what's done it for Omara is the hypocrisy. As Boris Johnson has proved, time and again, you can be as insensitive or as bigoted as your average EDL knuckle dragger; but if you say it with a plummy accent, or people don't sense that being a knob head is inconsistent with your political ideology, then anything goes....

I mean, if the Labour Party's Shadow Foreign Secretary had complained about 'picaninnies with water melon smiles,' forum Tories would be taking the **** about Labour having a Foreign Secretary going to Africa publically making racist comments. But seeing as though it's good old Tory Boris, few think it's remarkable.


Got nowt to do with a plummy voice or political ideology . As I said before its the hypocrisy that gets me . If it had been any other party , Labour voters / Jeremy Corbyn , would be up in arms

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