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Jared Omara MP ..

Message added by nikki-red

We understand that this is an emotive subject, and discussing the facts is totally fine.
Posting insults is not.
Jared is local to us, and could well be a member of the forum, we dont allow name calling and insults on other threads and they arent acceptable on this one either.

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24 minutes ago, geared said:

Now in the news, with some quotes from the person who sent the tweets.




Are all of those things an MP's job though?

They are certainly on the list of things that MPs can help people with.  https://www.writetothem.com/about-yourrep


'How can your MP help?

MPs are generous with their help and advice, and they will generally try to assist their constituents with a wide range of problems. There is no job description for an MP and it is up to an individual MP which cases they take on. However, MPs are more likely to be able to help with problems concerning central government services such as: • Benefits, pensions, national insurance, and other matters dealt with by the Department for Work and Pensions; • Immigration and other problems dealt with by the Home Office; • Tax problems involving the HM Revenue and Customs • Problems with the NHS; • Problems with the Child Support Agency; • School grants and closures'

Edited by Ms Macbeth
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11 hours ago, RollingJ said:

 @Eater SundaeYou are obviously not aware of O'maras' total failure as an MP  as a representative  of his constituents, a responsible  employer (I think he has sacked/lost 3 full sets of staff) or his previous questionable antics.


I feel sorry, in a way, for him, but he is totally unsuited for the role. The 'people' who selected him have a great deal to answer for - as do those who elected him.

The method of resignation was nothing to do with Jared O’mara’s failings as an MP, though.


It was all about Gareth Arnold’s wish to be top dog, and to act like a nasty bully. The tweets say a lot more about Gareth Arnold than they do about Jared O’Mara. Not a pretty sight

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8 hours ago, geared said:

Now in the news, with some quotes from the person who sent the tweets.




Are all of those things an MP's job though?

Yes, yes they are. If a constituant has a problem that can't be solved by moaning to the council or taking it up with whatever authority then they complain to their MP. He or she then rightly takes it up on their behalf.


I have worked 20 years in public service and things always get done quicker if an MP is involved.

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31 minutes ago, taxman said:

Yes, yes they are. If a constituant has a problem that can't be solved by moaning to the council or taking it up with whatever authority then they complain to their MP. He or she then rightly takes it up on their behalf.


I have worked 20 years in public service and things always get done quicker if an MP is involved.

How has this gone with O'Mara?


I've seen nothing positive in here, in the news, or anywhere for that matter.



3 hours ago, Eater Sundae said:

The method of resignation was nothing to do with Jared O’mara’s failings as an MP, though.


It was all about Gareth Arnold’s wish to be top dog, and to act like a nasty bully. The tweets say a lot more about Gareth Arnold than they do about Jared O’Mara. Not a pretty sight

Without knowing the ins and outs, it's difficult to know. I don't know the ins and outs of this person as it happens.



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40 minutes ago, taxman said:

Yes, yes they are. If a constituant has a problem that can't be solved by moaning to the council or taking it up with whatever authority then they complain to their MP. He or she then rightly takes it up on their behalf.


I have worked 20 years in public service and things always get done quicker if an MP is involved.

Only the worst sort of people get MPs involved in everyday lives.

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18 hours ago, Eater Sundae said:

The method of resignation was nothing to do with Jared O’mara’s failings as an MP, though.


It was all about Gareth Arnold’s wish to be top dog, and to act like a nasty bully. The tweets say a lot more about Gareth Arnold than they do about Jared O’Mara. Not a pretty sight

Convenient diversion, but what was said is correct - the man is totally unfit for public office.

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3 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Convenient diversion, but what was said is correct - the man is totally unfit for public office.

No diversion. You have conveniently failed to understand or acknowledge that there are two different issues here.


Jared O’Mara appears to have failed miserably as an MP.  If Gareth Arnold believes that J O’M is as bad as he claims, then of course he should resign. (Although that begs the question, “why go to work for him in the first place?). The general consensus from things I have read show J O’M in a pretty poor light. I’ve no reason to doubt that, although I don’t know him and have never seen him in action.


Similarly, I don’t know Gareth Arnold, but I do have clear evidence of how he has behaved in this case. Instead of just resigning, he has used his position of power to attack and ridicule J O’M. If you don’t think that’s bullying, I’d like to know what you think it is.


I think GA’s actions are bad. I’ve not excused J O’M or diverted away from his faults. The point is that J O’M’s failings in no way justify GA’s actions, despite your attempts to excuse him, by banging on about J O’M’s faults.

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He's just issued a statement. Accepts he needs help and taking more time off but no hint of resignation. Thanks his friend for bringing it all into the open!


"Statement regarding my mental health and recent events

In a few weeks, I will be making a follow-up statement regarding my position, until then I will be taking time out to receive professional help to deal with my mental health and personal issues regarding self-medication. During this time I would appreciate you could give myself and family privacy.

This is what I would like to say in the meantime:

I would like to start by apologising to my family, my friends and my constituents. I have not been honest with you about the depths of my depression and self-loathing. When I started this job in 2017 I was a different man: a confident and passionate man that wanted to help others. Sadly, I was unable to do that because very quickly I was bullied and mistreated in a harsh and unforgiving environment and that led me to be weak.

I wasn't even meant to win the election. I stood because I wanted to give my time to support the democratic process and because I was inspired by Jeremy Corbyn and everything he had to say. Particularly about "Equality and Fairness". I voted for him twice, was a member of his group 'Momentum' and practically idolised him.

But I got no support from him or the National Labour Party during the campaign. The previous Labour candidate Oliver Coppard (who I think should be the MP for Sheffield Hallam and I think is a top bloke) got funding and support nationally but I did not. The efforts of a small group of dedicated grassroots activists working to help me with the campaign I lead won that election for us. I will always be grateful to those amazing volunteers and all who voted for me. I don't get many people backing me, helping me and supporting me in my life so it means so much when you do.

One person who constantly snubbed me and treated me less favourably than other people was Jeremy. He was the biggest shock of that election; not my victory. He has not been the man I thought he was nor that he appears to be. To the point that he and his team lied to you all last year. I was never let back in the Labour Party as they said. Nor was I ever ordered to go on training or "warned".

They wanted me to act like I was when I was not provided with any details in writing about anything and they wanted me to act like I was guilty of those allegations from the two women from the pub when I had submitted hard evidence and witness details that showed I was not. So I had no choice but to leave the party I loved.

Within months of my appointment as MP for Sheffield Hallam the smears happened and I fell into a self-destructive nosedive. During my suspension Sam Matthews his team were consummate professionals but then Jeremy's office took over the case and I had to get a solicitor involved because of disability discrimination in order to get it back on track.

The discrimination made things even worse. My mental health deteriorated further and I isolated myself from family, friends and constituents. My actions became erratic and my thoughts became incoherent to the point where most recently I suffered a delusional episode.

In May this year, I sent an email to Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn asking them for help with getting Equality in parliament. Some MPs were parents who were not getting support and Maternity/Paternity cover and I wasn't entitled to my rights under the Equality Act for adequate support for my disabilities and as such was not provided with the safe and necessary environment for me to speak in the chamber. This was to serve as my olive branch to Jeremy for the bullying he and his staff had put me through which caused me to leave the party in July last year.

Jeremy and his office then offered me a meeting by letter and by my parents' observations I was visibly excited. Jeremy’s office then promised to get in touch with me and offer a selection of dates on a certain day but did not fulfil their promise, so I emailed the next day and let my disgust at their disrespect be known. Jeremy's response was to make false reports about me being a mental health danger around parliament with a delegation of Labour safeguarding representatives and his staff. I know this because I have it in writing from the parliamentary doctor.

I was not then a mental health risk at that point but such gaslighting ultimately made me one.

About two weeks ago I told a staff member I was in love with her during the aforementioned delusional episode. I'd been paranoid for weeks that if I was mad like Jeremy and his team said I was then I'd do something like that. The messages I said that were not of a sober or rational mind and felt like an out of body experience when I sent them but I know that does not excuse my actions because I should not have been self-medicating with a drink to get into that state. It was my lowest point and I will be apologising personally to her and her family.

I want to become a better person again; like I was. I feel I’ve become unrecognisable and I want to make amends. I need treatment for my mental health and rest first though. I will make a further statement about my future in a few weeks.

Lastly, to my dear, old friend - the Noel to my Liam - Gareth: Thank you for sticking with me like I am sticking with you. How anyone put up with for this long is a mystery! That's what mates should do. I wish you a good break, you have earned it.

I am so sorry to everybody for everything. You have put up with so much; all of you all my staff, my family, friends and constituents.

Thank you so much,

Jared O’Mara MP"

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