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Jared Omara MP ..

Message added by nikki-red

We understand that this is an emotive subject, and discussing the facts is totally fine.
Posting insults is not.
Jared is local to us, and could well be a member of the forum, we dont allow name calling and insults on other threads and they arent acceptable on this one either.

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15 minutes ago, geared said:

God what a load of total nonsense.

To us it maybe, but to someone with his mental condition it's not.


He really needs help, but he still hasn't twigged that removing the principal cause of his pressure should come first, even before his rest. All these apologies and time off only make that worse.


Apply for the Chiltern Hundreds now. Please can someone, Gareth, whoever cares for him, prepare the paperwork and get him to sign.


Better late than never. We in Sheffield Hallam desperately need an active MP right now - of any party!

Edited by 1978
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10 minutes ago, geared said:

God what a load of total nonsense.

I must agree totally.

I hate any form of bullying but from what Jared has portrayed there is absolutely nothing to suggest that he has been bullied.But he has taken time out to apportion blame for his failure as an MP and for his deteriorating health. He states he had no help,but the question has to be did he ask for any??


Yet again he will be taking more time out to recover from an illness that he will never recover from whilst he is an MP.

I feel that his parents have failed him on the run up to his election,and they continue to fail him. Had he been my son I would have been pushing him to resign rather than see his illness play havoc with his life with the potential of having a catastrophic result.


Jared,forget about collecting your salary.Pack in now and allow someone to look after the constituents that you have so far failed to help.If  you continue as MP for Hallam till the next election.Then it is quite clear that the salary that you are getting under false pretences has a greater influence on you than being able to maintain your own sanity.


Come on Jared ,resign and show where your priorities are.............

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2 hours ago, Eater Sundae said:

No diversion. You have conveniently failed to understand or acknowledge that there are two different issues here.


Jared O’Mara appears to have failed miserably as an MP.  If Gareth Arnold believes that J O’M is as bad as he claims, then of course he should resign. (Although that begs the question, “why go to work for him in the first place?). The general consensus from things I have read show J O’M in a pretty poor light. I’ve no reason to doubt that, although I don’t know him and have never seen him in action.


Similarly, I don’t know Gareth Arnold, but I do have clear evidence of how he has behaved in this case. Instead of just resigning, he has used his position of power to attack and ridicule J O’M. If you don’t think that’s bullying, I’d like to know what you think it is.


I think GA’s actions are bad. I’ve not excused J O’M or diverted away from his faults. The point is that J O’M’s failings in no way justify GA’s actions, despite your attempts to excuse him, by banging on about J O’M’s faults.

Are you suggesting he knew what he was like before he worked for him? 

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25 minutes ago, newcomer01 said:

Yet again he will be taking more time out to recover from an illness that he will never recover from whilst he is an MP.



Didn't he take several months for similar reasons when all his previous history came out??  Now once again he's in the papers for all the wrong reasons and he's taking more time off.



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Hmmm... :huh:

Well, anyone a tad more cynical than myself could almost be forgiven for thinking that the whole charade has been stage-managed so that both Mr Omara and his sidekick can have a nice summer break without any hassle from those nasty constituent types.


I suppose we'll find out if after a few weeks, Mr Sidekick has been totally forgiven for his public resignation and reinstated in his old role on full pay... :suspect:

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2 hours ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Well, anyone a tad more cynical than myself could almost be forgiven for thinking that the whole charade has been stage-managed so that both Mr Omara and his sidekick can have a nice summer break without any hassle from those nasty constituent types.


I suppose we'll find out if after a few weeks, Mr Sidekick has been totally forgiven for his public resignation and reinstated in his old role on full pay... :suspect:

As much as it makes logical sense it's an elaborate way to book time off work i'd imagine! :D

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To be able to take time out from something, you got to be actually doing something in the first place.  I see very little evidence that Mr O'Mara has been an acting MP. 


As pointed out by in the Look North report last night, while Mr O'Mara takes time out he has a number of constituents who are pressing him for help with immigration issues; others concerned about their housing issues & others struggling to find help sorting out their benefit issues. 


Meanwhile while he takes his time out, Mr O'Mara's still picking up nearly £80k per year. 

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