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Jared Omara MP ..

Message added by nikki-red

We understand that this is an emotive subject, and discussing the facts is totally fine.
Posting insults is not.
Jared is local to us, and could well be a member of the forum, we dont allow name calling and insults on other threads and they arent acceptable on this one either.

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2 hours ago, Richard 3 said:

He had his heart in the right place, but the Net is unforgiving. I pray he finds pastures new.

Did he balls. 


He was an arrogant, lazy, selfish and nasty piece of work who loved to play the disability card whenever he was caught out.


He was an embarrassment to the constituency.  Thrust into the spotlight by the momentum morons and inevitably became a complete failure.


Good riddance.

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Language like yours is becoming part of our public discourse.  Hateful and disingenuous. His disability is real and palatable - are you a denier?  Do you stalk car parks seeking people who  obstrutively walk with congenital brain damage and then require them to do mountain climbs? 


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Not a denier at all.


So he is disabled.   And?   Lots of other people are too.


What they don't do is use their disability as some pathetic excuse and desprate sympathy attempt  to cover up their corrupt, inappropriate or vile behaviour.


That is what O'Mara did.   


People saw through it.  They quite rightly challenged him and instead of taking responsibility and facing the consequences he tried to play the card even more.


The only thing hateful and disingenuous in this scenario is Jared himself.


Facing up to ones issues gets sympathy. 


Admitting and changing when one commits nasty acts  gets public support.


Making excuses, carrying on regardless and hiding away whilst still receiving a nice fat public pay cheque doesn't. 

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7 hours ago, Richard 3 said:

Language like yours is becoming part of our public discourse.  Hateful and disingenuous.

Hmmm. didn't you recently post these:


Facebook is full of Corbyn misinformation, probably created by Israeli troll farms.


A word to you insufferable morons - a metal cage won't protect from harm, you are just jelly inside.

Both pretty hateful and disingenuous.

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His disabilities didn't seem to prevent him from DJing at nightclubs, or going to loud and busy city centre bars. They did prevent him from doing even the bare minimum require of an MP, or treating his constituents with decency and respect. 


The man was a disgrace to those with disabilities who perform their role as MPs well. Whenever he was (rightly and validly) criticized for his behaviour he played the 'disability' card. I'm not too sure how any disability leads you to make sexist and homophobic slurs, refuse to undergo sensitivity training preferring to quit your party, sack all office staff, refuse to answer constituents letters and emails, etc etc. 


He should be thoroughly ashamed of himself. He's lived long enough on our money- time for him to get a job in which he actually has to do something. 

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While ever he was an MP there was always the (forlorn) hope that he might reform and do the job he was elected to and paid handsomely for. Now he is no longer an MP, surely the time has come to draw a line under his contribution to the life of the city and let sleeping dogs lie?

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56 minutes ago, Hopman said:

While ever he was an MP there was always the (forlorn) hope that he might reform and do the job he was elected to and paid handsomely for. Now he is no longer an MP, surely the time has come to draw a line under his contribution to the life of the city and let sleeping dogs lie?


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19 hours ago, Richard 3 said:

He had his heart in the right place, but the Net is unforgiving. I pray he finds pastures new.

My sentiments too.

Hopefully the witch hunt on here and elsewhere will now cease - but I doubt it.

Time to find someone else to vent your frustrations and anger on - how will you fill your days ?

Probably time now to close this thread.

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1 hour ago, Daven said:

My sentiments too.

Hopefully the witch hunt on here and elsewhere will now cease - but I doubt it.

Time to find someone else to vent your frustrations and anger on - how will you fill your days ?

Probably time now to close this thread.

I fill my days with a full-time professional job and having to support help two disabled members of my family.


News flash.  Not everyone agrees with your 'positive' opinion of Jared.  In fact if you took the time to look you will see that theres a substantial amount of people who don't support your opinion and that is exactly the reason why they are bloody delighted he is not standing.


There are very genuine reasons for people's anger and frustrations.  What about all the people let down by their representative in parliament?  What about all the people who he insulted and abused both online and verbally?; What about taxpayers and the public purse having to deal with the fallout of his corruption, failures and total mismanagement of office?


How dare you try to dismiss it as some witch hunt.   You are as deluded as the man himself.


As another poster has recently said the man should be ashamed of himself.  There is no disability card to be played here he thoroughly deserves the criticism he's getting.  


Well-paid jobs in the public eye comes public scrutiny, public criticism and a lot of responsibility.    He knew that from day one.  


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