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Jared Omara MP ..

Message added by nikki-red

We understand that this is an emotive subject, and discussing the facts is totally fine.
Posting insults is not.
Jared is local to us, and could well be a member of the forum, we dont allow name calling and insults on other threads and they arent acceptable on this one either.

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No, I think Joker has a good point. If this was Farage, some people would be saying it's good that he doesn't bow down to the 'PC brigade' and that he's entitled to his views and he is just saying it how he sees it. Some consistency would be nice.


Also though (and I'm not a fan of UKIP) it should be noted that Farage was pretty good at getting rid of people who made homophobic comments. It wasn't tolerated in UKIP. That it should be in Labour is very worrying.


Any arguments about "oh we've all said silly things in the past" are irrelevant. --Most of us have never made a series of homophobic, sexist and racist comments on the internet.

-Most of us will never try to be MPs.


If you HAVE made those sorts of comments in the past, then being an MP (i.e. representing people) isn't for you. In the same way that if you have a string of criminal offences in the past, being a policeman isn't for you.


Saying you've 'changed' is fine, and good for you if you have and that's true, but it isn't enough in a lot of jobs. MP is one of them.

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According to the Lucy Powell interview on the BBC today, all Labour candidates have to sign a contract stating there is nothing in their past that will bring the party into disrepute.


So he's either an idiot or a liar.


But then again with the apology crew of Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott in charge, as long as you say sorry for past comments it's all fine.


That can't be right. He might be an idiot and, let's face it he's paid to be a bender of truths as he's a politician. No background checks? No quick go on google?


I've got this picture in my mind now of corbyn waving a bit a of paper a la chamberlain "This morning I had another talk with the Jared Omara, and here is the paper which bears his name upon it...."


Going back to the idiocy bit, there are loads of posters on here who have said the most outrageous things and have been quite happy to link their business in the signature underneath it.

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You started this thread about comments made 15 years ago. They are irrelevant. Unless you want to also discuss Cameron having sex with a pig's head and Osborne and Johnson trashing restaurants and abusing homeless people.


What is relevant is his actions now, and in the last two years.


Indeed, which is why people should be worried about the far more serious allegations of what he was involved in 7 months ago (which include more than just verbal insults).




Also just because Johnson still has a job, does not justify Jared still having a job. Such people should be got rid of whenever possible, but its obviously going to be much harder to get rid of someone with as much leverage as Johnson compared to a nobody MP.

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Mostly from the people who've left over the past 2 years because of the infiltration.


Also, why this?: https://order-order.com/2017/10/24/momentum-sheffield-organise-emergency-meeting-tomorrow/


---------- Post added 24-10-2017 at 16:56 ----------


Official investigation into him now, and hopefully suspension in the meantime:



When the large influx of post 1997 Blair supporters, crypto tories, opportunists, etc, joined the Labour party, complete with its own groupings, Progress, etc, forcing long standing members out, was that entryism, or can such behaviour only be from the left?

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Suspended - great.


Now how about showing some respect to the voters...by resigning, submitting your last set of expenses and going back to your bar to prepare for the inevitable student boycott?


Be careful - West Street Live is owned and run by the Ali family. O'Mara was only an employee of theirs. I'm sure they will be equally disgusted by his behaviour as the rest of the country.

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Be careful - West Street Live is owned and run by the Ali family. O'Mara was only an employee of theirs. I'm sure they will be equally disgusted by his behaviour as the rest of the country.


In that case I stand corrected, apologise for my assumption and hope they will discuss the matter in due course with Mr Omara, as I am sure they are as equally upset as I am by this matter.

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That can't be right. He might be an idiot and, let's face it he's paid to be a bender of truths as he's a politician. No background checks? No quick go on google?


I've got this picture in my mind now of corbyn waving a bit a of paper a la chamberlain "This morning I had another talk with the Jared Omara, and here is the paper which bears his name upon it...."


Going back to the idiocy bit, there are loads of posters on here who have said the most outrageous things and have been quite happy to link their business in the signature underneath it.


It suggests there is little or no background checks taken out by Labour on new candidates beyond the word of the candidate themselves.

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