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Jared Omara MP ..

Message added by nikki-red

We understand that this is an emotive subject, and discussing the facts is totally fine.
Posting insults is not.
Jared is local to us, and could well be a member of the forum, we dont allow name calling and insults on other threads and they arent acceptable on this one either.

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Lifelong labour supporter and I voted for him. Sadly he has to go I’m afraid, the delight of a Labour MP in Hallam which would have been nothing but a fantasy for many years has been tainted by his deplorable views and comments.


I agree, nothing heard from him about his intentions, suspect he'll keep collecting his MP,s salary for as long as he can. A complete disgrace.

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Since you appear not to have a Scooby Doo what's going on, let me elaborate.


North East Derbyshire now has a Conservative MP. A chap by the name of Lee Rowley. Labour lost the seat thanks in no small part to a lacklustre local campaign. And it is worth noting at this point that Momentum appeared not to be campaigning very much at all in North East Derbyshire, and the outgoing Labour MP was not at all aligned with them. In fact Natascha Engel seemed at times to go out of her way to alienate people.


I know a tory was elected. I know it was a lack lustre campaign. Did you not get that from my post where i said Labour didnt need to make any effort?


EDIT - I actually missed the line of "until they voted tory" right at the end.


My bad.


EDIT EDIT - Engel seemed to try and get on the front of the Eckington leader week in week out until was caught in the expenses thing. She pulled the "I didnt do anything wrong line" and was much quieter after that - mind you I havent had a Leader delivered for years. Didnt like her, thought she was rubbish. Her predecessor I dealt with briefly and thought he was OK. Rowley is a local boy which made a change.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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you will hear worse than that in any boozer. you cant get out much old boy.


This is a bizarre justification. ”The pubs I go to are full of awful people, therefore being an awful person is fine.”


Sort out your circle of friends mate, they’re leading you astray.

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I've spoken to three women who have said that they wouldn't feel able / confident / safe to go to Jared O'Mara in his capacity as their local MP.


THAT is why he has to go, and go NOW.


He needs to crawl back to his alleged "nightclub" aka late opening boozer at West Street Live and carry on imagining that his disabilities could him a leg up with the opposite sex like he pretended that it gives him some extra rights to behave like an idiot. Leopards don't change their spots. He's not on any journey. He's a nasty man with nasty ideas who's dropped his colleagues in it.

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So, does hate speech trump a clumsy drunken pat on the knee?


Please can someone more politically correct than myself advise on this conundrum?


If Fallon can resign over a hand on the knee (or perhaps something worse still in the pipeline)...why not resign for your past, Right Honourable Member of Parliament Jared Omara?


Notice the word Honourable in the title.

Perhaps an unfashionable concept in this age, but something I still try to live up to...and I dare say most other normal people do as well.


I bet there are hundreds of people in this constituency who would make a much better job of MP than Mr Omara...but who don't stand, because they are not into the power side of things...or aren't ideologically well trained.


A politician for the times, it seems...

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So, does hate speech trump a clumsy drunken pat on the knee?


Please can someone more politically correct than myself advise on this conundrum?


If Fallon can resign over a hand on the knee (or perhaps something worse still in the pipeline)...why not resign for your past, Right Honourable Member of Parliament Jared Omara?


Notice the word Honourable in the title.

Perhaps an unfashionable concept in this age, but something I still try to live up to...and I dare say most other normal people do as well.


I bet there are hundreds of people in this constituency who would make a much better job of MP than Mr Omara...but who don't stand, because they are not into the power side of things...or aren't ideologically well trained.


A politician for the times, it seems...


He should have never stood in the first place, but there we go. Yes, he damn well should resign, both for his past comments and actions and that he seems an utterly useless MP on top of that.

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