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Jared Omara MP ..

Message added by nikki-red

We understand that this is an emotive subject, and discussing the facts is totally fine.
Posting insults is not.
Jared is local to us, and could well be a member of the forum, we dont allow name calling and insults on other threads and they arent acceptable on this one either.

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So HQ did no background checks, then. Hmm, not a good move.


To be fair - the election was called at very short notice - so any party will focus their efforts on the seats they have a chance of winning. And remember that before the election everyone reckoned Labour was going to get wiped out - I'm sure there were very few people who thought they were in with a shout of winning Hallam.

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Starting to regret voting for him, what has he contributed since being elected?




Be fair and acknowledge that he's submitted as as many written questions as an average member. Most could have been asked by any Sheffield member of any party.




He's suspended from the Labour party but, as far I know, he's not suspended from Parliament. If that's so he can still submit both verbal and written questions if he so wishes. He appears to be doing that.

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Investigation still ongoing. Turns out at least one more of their 2017 intake is a bit suspect. At least they can get a bulk deal on new bindings of their rulebook for all these reprobates they selected.


To be fair to her (only a bit as it was a stupid thing to write) it was a quote from one of his constituents rather than her own words but even so, who on earth puts something like that?

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Jared has gone to his safe space.


He's gone to ground in London, isn't responding to local people outside his Labour / Momentum group and has cancelled his constituency surgeries.


Then he should get himself back here pronto and start working for his community (and his salary)...

If he can't face doing that, he should quit this afternoon and we can subsequently vote in someone who is up for the job of representing us...

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Then he should get himself back here pronto and start working for his community (and his salary)...

If he can't face doing that, he should quit this afternoon and we can subsequently vote in someone who is up for the job of representing us...


Big difference between what he 'should' do, and what he will do. I'm not sure doing the right thing is high on his agenda- he'll doubtless hold on as long as possible. KERCHING!!!!

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