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Jared Omara MP ..

Message added by nikki-red

We understand that this is an emotive subject, and discussing the facts is totally fine.
Posting insults is not.
Jared is local to us, and could well be a member of the forum, we dont allow name calling and insults on other threads and they arent acceptable on this one either.

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Starting to regret voting for him, what has he contributed since being elected?



Why did you vote for him then, did you seriously think he'd do a better job than old Clegg??


Jared O'Mara MP Has spoken in 0 debates since joining Parliament — well below average amongst MPs.


Jared O'Mara MP Has voted in 47.62% of votes in this Parliament with this affiliation — well below average amongst MPs.


People have made 0 annotations on this MP’s speeches — below average amongst MPs
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You just wonder who in their right mind :loopy: voted for this guy.




ooh, I don’t know, how about young people and working folk who are fed up of several years of Tory rule, Lib Dum sycophancy and kipper hatred so they voted for a change?


Do you think that might have something to do with it?

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ooh, I don’t know, how about young people and working folk who are fed up of several years of Tory rule, Lib Dum sycophancy and kipper hatred so they voted for a change?


Do you think that might have something to do with it?


Yes , they all voted for someone they had never heard of and knew nothing of , but because he was Labour he was alright

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Yes , they all voted for someone they had never heard of and knew nothing of , but because he was Labour he was alright


Yes, that’s right, ‘cos this Hallam constituwensy constityouwennsi seat has been solid Red Labour forever, hasn’t it.

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Well you got what you deserve then really.

You were so hell bent on preventing a Tory taking the seat you voted in a donkey wearing a red rosette.


I wonder how much worse that Tory would have been??


jnstead of asking why Labour won Hallam, ask why the Tories, the Lib Dims and the kippers lost it.

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Point proven


No it hasn’t.


Hallam has been Blue with the occasional spoilage of Yellow for years.


Why did the Tories, the Lib Dums and the kippers fail this time round ?


Labour even admitted they didn’t vet Jared as they didn’t expect to win the seat.

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