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Jared Omara MP ..

Message added by nikki-red

We understand that this is an emotive subject, and discussing the facts is totally fine.
Posting insults is not.
Jared is local to us, and could well be a member of the forum, we dont allow name calling and insults on other threads and they arent acceptable on this one either.

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What I dislike about our new MP are his personal opinions and his attitude to the job...not his party affiliation.


Take Mr Skinner as an example over in Bolsover. There is much I do not agree with policy wise...but I hugely admire his attitude to the job.

I don't believe he has missed a parliamentary session in all the time he has been an MP (except when he was ill I believe)...and he always fights for his constituency and takes his job seriously.


This clown we have seems fresh out of student politics and as much a clown as I was when I was a student.

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In a General election the candidate is worth about 1.5% max.

People vote for the party and the party manifesto.


So there is truth in the saying that a village idiot with a blue rosette or a monkey with a red rosette can get elected to parliament.


IMO there is too much personality politics.

Exactly. Council elections are for local issues and personality candidates. General Elections are, with few exceptions, about the party and national issues.

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Well you got what you deserve then really.

You were so hell bent on preventing a Tory taking the seat you voted in a donkey wearing a red rosette.


I wonder how much worse that Tory would have been??


This was the first time I had ever voted for the party rather than the candidate. In fact it was the first time I had voted labour but I thought it the best way to prevent a Tory win. It seemed to me that Hallam was fed up with Lib Dem and could quite easily revert to type. And yes,I probably would,in this case,have voted for a donkey. Seems I almost did!

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jnstead of asking why Labour won Hallam, ask why the Tories, the Lib Dims and the kippers lost it.


The Lib Dems definitely lost it but if we look at the vote trend, the choice of Jared O'Mara could well give the seat back to the Conservatives for the first time in 20 years.


That's some achievement by Mr Corbyn's Labour, quite the own goal, a bullet through the foot, etc.

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Hallam could go yellow, red or blue next time! All to play for.

I am told that this 'next time' might be arriving for Sheffield Hallam much sooner than for the rest of the country; it seems that the present MP might decide to step down (via the Chiltern Hundreds) if more about any past misdeeds is revealed.

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I am told that this 'next time' might be arriving for Sheffield Hallam much sooner than for the rest of the country; it seems that the present MP might decide to step down (via the Chiltern Hundreds) if more about any past misdeeds is revealed.


I'll believe it when it happens, this useless excuse as a MP. will hang on as long as he can in order to receive his salary which he doesn't earn or deserve.

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I am told that this 'next time' might be arriving for Sheffield Hallam much sooner than for the rest of the country; it seems that the present MP might decide to step down (via the Chiltern Hundreds) if more about any past misdeeds is revealed.


Good opportunity (if so) to 'parachute in' David Miliband. Bound to retain the student vote with his wish to stop Brexit and increase the number of refugees we take in by a factor of 4-6.


That's assuming he could be tempted away from his luxury New York penthouse of course.

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Good opportunity (if so) to 'parachute in' David Miliband. Bound to retain the student vote with his wish to stop Brexit and increase the number of refugees we take in by a factor of 4-6.


That's assuming he could be tempted away from his luxury New York penthouse of course.


Unlikely Miliband will return while Corbyn is secure in his leadership as he'd be little more than a rebelious back bencher.

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