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Jared Omara MP ..

Message added by nikki-red

We understand that this is an emotive subject, and discussing the facts is totally fine.
Posting insults is not.
Jared is local to us, and could well be a member of the forum, we dont allow name calling and insults on other threads and they arent acceptable on this one either.

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thought exactly the same he should resign quite disgraceful after the rotherham mp had to resign for actually speaking the truth . . .


which Rovvrem MP resigned for speaking the truth ?


Do you mean that kipper hag who got sued for libel and slander before running to the EU for legal protection ?


You don’t mean that one, surely :huh:

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think they are on about sarah champion


yeah, yeah, you’re right, apologies


I don’t think Sarah should have resigned, but then I don’t think her trusting the S*n comic to accurately tell her story was very bright either :help:

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Been waiting a while for this dog to get it's day. Plenty of 'rumours' were around when he got elected.....


If the labour party have any sense of self preservation they should drop and condemn him asap. Down playing incidents like this just mean they escalate and give the impression the party is ok with it.

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Quite apart from this current controversy, I had a feeling this Jared chap was going to be out of his depth in a seat Hallam. Its a seat that has a lot of middle class, well educated people who's concerns are going to go over his head in meetings at his surgeries. Having said that though, why did they vote foe him??

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Its a seat that has a lot of middle class, well educated people who's concerns are going to go over his head in meetings at his surgeries.


what concerns do they have ? Too many homeless people outside Waitrose ?


Being an MP in Hallam is the easiest job in the world. It’s so simple that even Cleggy could do it :)


Having said that though, why did they vote foe him??


I’m still trying to work that out. Maybe it was a silent protest against government cuts (not likely) or rising university costs (maybe) or perhaps the old Tory voters are finally dying off in sufficient numbers to make a difference to the constituency demographics (this sounds most plausible)

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