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Jared Omara MP ..

Message added by nikki-red

We understand that this is an emotive subject, and discussing the facts is totally fine.
Posting insults is not.
Jared is local to us, and could well be a member of the forum, we dont allow name calling and insults on other threads and they arent acceptable on this one either.

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You said there’d be outrage on here if anybody other than a Labour MP said such things.


My question is was there such any outrage on here after Toby Young’s comments?


Nice diversion tactics,didn't know Toby Young had connections to Sheffield politics.How about getting this thread back on track.

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Nice diversion tactics,didn't know Toby Young had connections to Sheffield politics.How about getting this thread back on track.


Exactly. Comments made by Toby Young (or the honourable member for Mansfield) are not relevant to the suitability or otherwise of the 'honourable' member for Sheffield Hallam.

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Nice diversion tactics,didn't know Toby Young had connections to Sheffield politics.How about getting this thread back on track.


Exactly. Comments made by Toby Young (or the honourable member for Mansfield) are not relevant to the suitability or otherwise of the 'honourable' member for Sheffield Hallam.


Unfortunately, comments made by Toby Young (or indeed the ‘honourable’ member for Mansfield) have everything to do with this topic.


If I may be permitted to direct your attention once again to the opening post of this topic:


Surprised to see theres no comments on here about this young mans thoughts . if it had been any other MP than a labour one ,there would be outrage on here .


I’ve highlighted the relevant part.


Was any moral outrage directed at Toby Young, or the ‘honourable’ member for Mansfield on this forum for their offensive and sexist comments?


Where is the 32-page topic slagging them off?


Or is it only offensive when it’s the political party you don’t like who make those comments, and when your party make similar comments it’s only banter and the victims should stop being such delicate snowflakes?


Yes, I think that’s it. Playground bullying at it’s best (or worst)

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Nice diversion tactics,didn't know Toby Young had connections to Sheffield politics.How about getting this thread back on track.

Is it because Toby Young is a window into the mindset of the typical Tory and Brexiteer?


---------- Post added 17-01-2018 at 06:45 ----------


No he's not biased towards Tories.All the parties get mentioned it's just that Labour are consistently in the news for whatever reason.


Perhaps the real reason is that he's a rabid right wing crackpot with a hatred of anyone to the left of Toby Young (and that includes any Europhile Tories on the hate list).

Edited by pss60
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Now if anyone wants to hit out at anyone, how about this oik:


"Vasectomies are free": Tory party's new vice chair urged jobless to stop having kids or UK would 'drown in wasters'


Ben Bradley, appointed the vice chair for youth last week, said the UK would drown in a 'vast sea of unemployed waters' if people on benefits had too many kids


I suppose he'll say that to the faces of those Carillion workers who lose their jobs. Still, it will be poetic justice if even more of the youth vote is lost for the next 30 or 40 years at least.




His majority is only 1,057, and it is incredible that a place like Mansfield could elect him.


It's an outrage that a place that's done nothing but get worse for the past 70 years under Labour Mps could vote someone (anyone!) else in!!

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I don't think this Guido fella is a neutral observer at all.


As a self proclaimed small c conservative blogger he's absolutely not trying to be neutral and there's no reason why he should. We haven't seen the Labour party sack O'Mara either, so I guess that they aren't neutral either.


Since it was the Yorkshire Post (edited by a the former Star editor, sister paper the left wing i) ) who did the investigation and report maybe you should not be so sanctimonious, because after all you haven't criticized the awful Jared O'Mara MP either.


Has this Guido fella been as critical of Toby Young as he's been of Jared?
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I've never met Jared, and in the ordinary way I'm highly unlikely to be frequenting the places he may go, or have gone. My political views will not agree with many of his.


However, like it or not enough voted for him to become MP for Hallam. He's not the first absentee MP by a long way. It's rarer today but sickness absences are common and the members concerned are normally paired. Currently he is listed as Independent and doesn't attend and isn't paired, so indirectly he offers a marginal degree of support to the government - as do all the Sinn Fein MPs who never attend. Making a speach in itself matters little.


He said some stupid things. He suffers from degrees of disabilty, to which surely must now be added significant depression, especially if he ever looks at some of the stuff that's written in places like this. He had good intentions - the road to hell is paved with them!


In the meantime he has an office that functions, how well we'd not really know. What we can see is that he is submitting as many written questions as most MPs. That will be being arranged by that office on his behalf. In earlier times better known and respected MPs lingered in the House long after they were able to take much, or any, part in proceedings. They had assistance in a similar way.


OK, he's been a complete idiot. He's also a human being like those he's upset. How long do we keep kicking the guy? How do we help him get back on his feet? He should be a better man when he can rise from the beating he's being given, but he's not being given that chance. Reading the lynch mob material some are writing I'm glad he's not my son - or me! Let he who is without sin throw the first stone - some doing the throwing may occupy greenhouses of their own.


In the meantime he is probably aware of the Parliamentary questions that are being submitted in his name. They do seem to reflect some of his interests as well as those of Sheffield and Hallam residents. See; https://www.theyworkforyou.com/search/?pid=25636&pop=1#n4

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I've never met Jared, and in the ordinary way I'm highly unlikely to be frequenting the places he may go, or have gone. My political views will not agree with many of his.


However, like it or not enough voted for him to become MP for Hallam. He's not the first absentee MP by a long way. It's rarer today but sickness absences are common and the members concerned are normally paired. Currently he is listed as Independent and doesn't attend and isn't paired, so indirectly he offers a marginal degree of support to the government - as do all the Sinn Fein MPs who never attend. Making a speach in itself matters little.


He said some stupid things. He suffers from degrees of disabilty, to which surely must now be added significant depression, especially if he ever looks at some of the stuff that's written in places like this. He had good intentions - the road to hell is paved with them!


In the meantime he has an office that functions, how well we'd not really know. What we can see is that he is submitting as many written questions as most MPs. That will be being arranged by that office on his behalf. In earlier times better known and respected MPs lingered in the House long after they were able to take much, or any, part in proceedings. They had assistance in a similar way.


OK, he's been a complete idiot. He's also a human being like those he's upset. How long do we keep kicking the guy? How do we help him get back on his feet? He should be a better man when he can rise from the beating he's being given, but he's not being given that chance. Reading the lynch mob material some are writing I'm glad he's not my son - or me! Let he who is without sin throw the first stone - some doing the throwing may occupy greenhouses of their own.


In the meantime he is probably aware of the Parliamentary questions that are being submitted in his name. They do seem to reflect some of his interests as well as those of Sheffield and Hallam residents. See; https://www.theyworkforyou.com/search/?pid=25636&pop=1#n4



So how do you excuse the fact that since he got voted in he's done absolutely nothing? Not voted on things (of which he can still do) or even attended parliament. How do you excuse that?


If you want to break it down to it's most simple level- he's currently receiving a massive salary and not doing the job he's being paid to do. That's disgusting.

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The comparison with Toby Young is an interesting one. The same issues prevail, not enough due dilligence was done on Young's social media, they did interview him but clearly it's not enough as any shayster can be presentable at interview. As for Guido it's pretty clear he aims much more fire at Labour but such is life of the media in our current political atmosphere of polarised world views, I'd have thought you'd be used to that by now, there are enough Labour biased sources online to counter him. On this forum Young was discussed in the Conservative Party thread in General Discussion.

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