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Jared Omara MP ..

Message added by nikki-red

We understand that this is an emotive subject, and discussing the facts is totally fine.
Posting insults is not.
Jared is local to us, and could well be a member of the forum, we dont allow name calling and insults on other threads and they arent acceptable on this one either.

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Couldn't agree more - don't remember that many by-elections when the likes of Carswell and other anti-EU Tories were dabbling with UKIP mind.


Returning to O'Mara and this issue - if you can genuinely say you've never said something in your youth which you'd be embarrassed about these days, and which may be considered offensive, you're either a saint or a liar.


If you can reflect on things you've said in the past, do you disclose each and every instance when you go for job interviews?


The above is not my endorsement of O'Mara, more a challenge around the hypocrisy of society.


Sure there’s hypocrisy. And I doubt anyone would be totally open about past misdeeds when first standing for public office - they’ll always portray themselves in the best light they can.


But that is a risk they take. There’s nothing wrong with others then publicising those past misdeeds, and providing a balance to the rose tinted image given by the (in this case) politician and his PR.


These people rise based on their image. If that later proves to be false, then their fall may be greater because of the height they have reached, but also because of their hypocrisy in promoting an image which is not true.

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Sure there’s hypocrisy. And I doubt anyone would be totally open about past misdeeds when first standing for public office - they’ll always portray themselves in the best light they can.


But that is a risk they take. There’s nothing wrong with others then publicising those past misdeeds, and providing a balance to the rose tinted image given by the (in this case) politician and his PR.


These people rise based on their image. If that later proves to be false, then their fall may be greater because of the height they have reached, but also because of their hypocrisy in perpetuating an image which is not true.


Absolutely agree, we have a free press and that's a good thing to hold public figures to account.


But at the point when someone says, 'you know what, I was 20 years old, I'm embarrassed looking back at what I said, it doesn't reflect who I am now and I'm sorry for the offence my comments caused' - I'm prepared to give someone the benefit of the doubt - I'm not necessarily saying this is the case with O'Mara and that he's shown enough contrition.


What I can't stand is the hypocrisy, that's often linked to political leanings.

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Guest makapaka
Zac Goldsmith resigned from the Tories and called a by-election recently, didnt he?


Maybe O'Mara could take note.


In a completely different set of circumstances yes he did.


---------- Post added 13-07-2018 at 08:58 ----------


Despicable freeloading coward


If he had one shred of decency in him, he'd resign and go back to being a nightclub bouncer where his hateful views could be aired in private again


He could even stand again in the by-election, to see if the 3000 people who received 'helpful' out of office responses from him will vote for him


All he's doing now is giving the labour movement, the disabled community and the city of Sheffield a bad name


---------- Post added 13-07-2018 at 00:22 ----------


Olivia Brabazon@liv_r_b

As an autistic person myself, I’m disgusted that #jaredomara is trying to use it to excuse his actions. It’s disrespectful to the rest of the autistic community. It genuinely hurts to think that people now might feel we are horrible people #actuallyautistc


Why is he a despicable freeloading coward?

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Since 2010 about 30 MPs have switched parties or become independents.


In the UK we do not vote for a Party, we vote for a person. Politics creates "parties" that are collective of MPs who share certain views.


However the majority of people are not involved in selection, do not attend, read, or ask anything of the candidates. They vote for the party and its leader.


Individual MPs usually vote as the party tells them to- not as their constituents tell them to.


Solution -get more involved.


The Labour Party will put in place a means whereby constituents with grievances/problems can seek support.

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In a completely different set of circumstances yes he did.


---------- Post added 13-07-2018 at 08:58 ----------



Why is he a despicable freeloading coward?


Despicable for his misogynistic, homophobic and anti-Semitic views, and for blaming being a scumbag on disability


Freeloading because he's getting £77k a year of our money for sitting at home watching Jeremy Kyle


Coward because he is hiding in his disgrace, rather than doing the honourable thing, holding his hands up and resigning as an MP

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Do whatever you thinks right - you don’t have to listen to me.


I don’t advocate any of those posts he made on a forum 10 years ago - they weren’t nice at all.


I don’t think there’ll be many people posting on here who can’t think of something they did or said over the last decade that wasn’t nice either..I wouldn’t want that to preclude them from standing for parliament if it wasn’t criminal.


Maybe it wouldn't have come to light if he hadn't been on the Women's and Equalities Select committee?

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