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Herman Goering's staff car

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Saw the car — yes, it was a Mercedes — at Kenningsin Sheffield. It weighed, I think, three tons and yes the windows were bullet-proof. Also saw the record speed-breaking Bluebird at Kennings, and he Silver Jubilee in the railway sidings just beyond the Wicker.


I saw one of them and Bluebird over Christmas at the Motor Car Museum at Beaulieu....:)

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  • 3 years later...
there used to be some german families come to the spot regularly and lay wreathes, I believe 6 bodies were retrieved,


I think you'll find that was an American B17, called Mi Amigo, Arthur.


There's a thread somewhere on here that says according to the records no German aircraft came down near Shefffield in the blitz.


Some downed aircraft from the Battle of Britain were brought and exhibited in Barker's Pool.

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I think you'll find that was an American B17, called Mi Amigo, Arthur.
Quite right - see http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A7563783


Some downed aircraft from the Battle of Britain were brought and exhibited in Barker's Pool.


Here's a photo of a Messerschmitt 109 that was shot down over Margate in September 1940 and displayed in Barker's Pool in aid of the Sheffield Newspapers War Fund: http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u219/twigmore/Me109.jpg

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I think you'll find that was an American B17, called Mi Amigo, Arthur.


There's a thread somewhere on here that says according to the records no German aircraft came down near Shefffield in the blitz.

Some downed aircraft from the Battle of Britain were brought and exhibited in Barker's Pool.


Yes, I think I posted on it.

There were indeed no German aircraft shot down in or anywhere near Sheffield.

The nearest were three Ju 88's and an He 111 that came down in the York and Bradford areas between May 1941 and March 1945.

Two of these were targeting Belfast and one was lost in a raid on York. The other was a Ju 88 G-6 nightfighter which was strafing the runways at Pocklington and Elvington and clipped a tree causing it to crash.

Several aircraft were lost during raids on Sheffield but these were all shot down along the coastal area between Whitby and the Humber estuary or came down over the North sea.

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Here's a photo of a Messerscmitt 109 that was shot down over Margate in Seotember 1940 and displayed in Barker's Pool in aid of the Sheffield Newspapers War Fund: http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u219/twigmore/Me109.jpg


This is Bf 109 E 4 "White 5" of 3rd Gruppe/JG 53 (53rd Fighter wing), shot down over Kent on 6th September. The pilot was Unteroffizier Schulte and the aircraft crash landed near Manston airfield.

If you look at the tailplane you can see where the swastika has been painted out.

That was due to the Wing Commander, Kommodore Von Cramon marrying a girl who in Goering's opinion was not suitable, he therefore ordered the unit to remove their "Ace of Spades" mascot from the cowlings of their Messerschmitts.

In retaliation the unit overpainted the swastikas on the tailplanes of their machines and until Goering backed down in November that is how things stayed.

This aircraft was based on Guernsey at the time of it's loss I believe.

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