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Railway parking madness

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What do you mean sixties and modern england?


The design and layout is how many other major railway stations have arranged their drop off and taxi areas. I think the station looks great compared to how it used to look. Some people really must have sort memories or heavy rose tinted specs. The decaying Sheaf and Dyson House blocks were sixties as was the forecourt to the station looking more like a service yard of a docks than a pleasant public space.


The days of the Great British Rail, Mail Trains and Parcel Depots were over. The station was privately owned, looked well past its sell by date and needed an overhall. Anyone who remembers the old access bridge to the supertram stuck at the back of Platform 8 with no direct access to other areas or the knacked old gated freight lifts between platform and bridge are prime examples.


Despite all the above. My point remains that I must be the luckiest person in the world. All the frequent times I travel for work on trains. The times I have been dropped off, taxied or driven to the station and never had any of the issues people seem to have raised on this thread beyond perhaps a few minutes queue.


Its 11 years since the redevelpments and there will be even more overhall when HS2 starts up. I just understand what all the fuss is about.

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Totally agree the station is a hell of a lot better than it was. I just wish after spending all that money installing all the new features they could at least keep up the maintenance. The blue lighting under the seating not working or the uplighters around the trees, the lights under the fountain jets being very random.


And before anyone bleats on about lack of money, they were never maintained( like many other things in sheffield) before 'austerity' !

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