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Could this be the Government's 'back to basics' moment?

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Just as Theresa May asked the Speaker John Bercow as to how a sexual harassment scandal engulfing Westminster can best be addressed, two Ministers Mark Garnier and Stephen Crabb have been exposed as sex pests.


International Trade Minister, Mark Garnier, called his former aide 'sugar tits,' and asked her to buy him some sex toys.


The ex Welfare Minister, Prime Ministerial candidate, and married devout Christian Stephen Crabb, not for the first time, sent explicit sex texts to a 19 year olad female candidate who applied to work for him.


Mark Garnier think that the antics are "good humoured high jinks."


Could this be Theresa May's 'back to basics' moment?

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Indeed Alan, skeletons in the closet for people in all parties.


Let’s not rejoice too much in the difficulties of parties we don’t like because all the others have the same problems.


This is less about the ethos of actual parties, and more about the types of people who become politicians.

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Forget that it's not ok to call your PA that, but who the **** says 'sugar tits'. What a bunch of nobbers.


I was reading that the MP who called his former aide sugar tits got the name from 'Gavin & Stacey'.


Indeed Alan, skeletons in the closet for people in all parties.


Let’s not rejoice too much in the difficulties of parties we don’t like because all the others have the same problems.


This is less about the ethos of actual parties, and more about the types of people who become politicians.


I think it doesn't just cut across all political parties, but right across society. However I don't like the hysterical atmosphere to the point where nothing is allowed. Common sense should prevail

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I was reading that the MP who called his former aide sugar tits got the name from 'Gavin & Stacey'.


I think it doesn't just cut across all political parties, but right across society. However I don't like the hysterical atmosphere to the point where nothing is allowed. Common sense should prevail


Personally I think we should all be liberal about what happens in other people’s private lives. Really, who cares.


The line is crossed of course when those personal lives bleed into work lives, and it gets more serious when people in public life use their power, influence and maybe public funds to pursue private sexual goals.


In every place I’ve worked you’d get sacked for what Garnier did.


Simple yardstick: would you get sacked where you work now for doing what Garnier did. Vast majority of people are going to say yes. If you would get sacked why should he be any different.


And....this is not Tory bashing by me. I would say the same about politicians from any party. Many MPs (in Labour too) are egoistical corrupt narcissists.

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