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Police wearing fluorescent jackets?

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Because light and visibility can change quickly - especially in our British climate I guess.

Anything that makes police personnel highly visible and safe has to be good surely ? It doesn't bother me one bit that they are worn in bright conditions - I have far more important things in my life to be concerned about.

I notice that the OP's account is now closed............[/QUOTE]


I'm a bit dumb I'm afraid, but why is that.?



Because light and visibility can change quickly - especially in our British climate I guess.

Anything that makes police personnel highly visible and safe has to be good surely ? It doesn't bother me one bit that they are worn in bright conditions - I have far more important things in my life to be concerned about.

I notice that the OP's account is now closed............


I'm a bit dumb I'm afraid, but why is that.?


I can see four possible answers to your question in Davens post, which part of his post do you need him to answer, Why is that.

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Because light and visibility can change quickly - especially in our British climate I guess.

Anything that makes police personnel highly visible and safe has to be good surely ? It doesn't bother me one bit that they are worn in bright conditions - I have far more important things in my life to be concerned about.

I notice that the OP's account is now closed............


Maybe they've stumbled on the meaning of life, or realised it's one of 37 other trolling accounts

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I think these hi viz vests are to enable the wearer to be seen in low light situations. Why they are worn in bright daylight hours is a bit mystery.




Us council workers are up before it gets light, and we don't have a spare minute to take them off ;)

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Because light and visibility can change quickly - especially in our British climate I guess.

Anything that makes police personnel highly visible and safe has to be good surely ? It doesn't bother me one bit that they are worn in bright conditions - I have far more important things in my life to be concerned about.

I notice that the OP's account is now closed............


No it isn't a good thing. Police officers are supposed to fight crime not be seen to fight crime. Crime detection rates are in the toilet because they are spending their time and money on the wrong things, like painting their nails and being seen.


When police officers are made to dress like litter pickers the public makes an existential judgement and treats them with the requisite amount of respect.


The downward spiral continues and we find ourselves where we are with the police not commanding the respect that WE the public want them to have. All because somebody thought that they should be Highly Vizible (sp) for insurance purposes.

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