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Hashtag Me Too.

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Are ALL these cases really genuine, be they male or female, or are some just jumping on the bandwagon looking for a pay off maybe. Also how do you establish the truth if you accuse some one of a verbal or physical sexual act done many years ago, it must be very difficult to establish as it is most always done in private.


Is there a definitive dividing line between what is allowed and what is not allowed be it verbal or physical or are there grey areas.


Some peoples lives will be changed due to allegations, that's certain.



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Some people certainly jumping on the bandwagon, others with very real grievances.


How can you tell one from the other though?

Especially in Holywood, which is already a very weird place to begin with.




You’ll get some with genuine grievances, so those guilty should be brought to book.


Those with flagging careers jumping on the bandwagon, which seems to be in fashion these days.


Others seeking a nice payout.


Probably a few liars in amongst the many coming forward.

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The issue here is that I don't think I know ANY women who haven't been pushed into being sexually harassed by a man at some point. I have been, multiple times over, but until extremely recently, it was just part of the background of expectation for being a woman because men didn't really care and most didn't really understand what they were doing that was inappropriate much of the time.


We're not just talking about force-based assaults here, but about the tide of incessant coercion based harassment in both social settings and the workplace and hundreds of other inappropriate actions which are often based on the perpetrator doing what they want because the victim simply has no power to stop them.


Even my OH, who is more feminist than many women I know, used to refer to women he didn't like with a term that once I explained to him was used as a pejorative term to imply that a woman is a prostitute, he instantly stopped using. I can't repeat the term here, clearly.


This has been discussed on other threads, and quite sensibly too, so I'm not sure what you wish to achieve with a new discussion on the same topic.

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what a load of tosh


ill say it again, this world has always been a mans world, women...and by the looks plenty of children have ALWAYS been mens playthings, toys, objects to own. now its ALL coming out into the open.

In every aspect of womens lives they have to run a gauntlet of sexual advances / sexual harassment, fear of attack by men. Whether its a night out with friends, work, even in some cases at home.

In some cases its boys and men thats victimised but in the vast number of cases its girls and women.


Look at ALL the cases that have come out in the past 10 years or so.....BBC / Jimi saville enquiry, various "care" homes, football coaches, Rotherham / Rochdale cases, westminster (a couple of times), Hollywood, the music business, The inequality pay scandal that surfaced. as well as the old well documented church scandals too.

Its on a massive scale and highlights how much of a blight on womens lives it has been through history.


Funny how you and others are fixating on it because in the news agenda currently. The issue of boys being taken advantage of by coaches in football clubs isn't at the forefront of everyone's minds any more is it?


What will the big hoo-ha be in the news next week I wonder?

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Funny how you and others are fixating on it because in the news agenda currently. The issue of boys being taken advantage of by coaches in football clubs isn't at the forefront of everyone's minds any more is it?


What will the big hoo-ha be in the news next week I wonder?

funny how those of a right wing none empathetic view of the world dismiss it as hoo haa, victimhood :roll:


its peoples lives, daily lives, constantly stuff they have to deal with and live with. And shouldnt have to, EVERYBODY should be free to live in peace.

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funny how those of a right wing none empathetic view of the world dismiss it as hoo haa, victimhood :roll:


its peoples lives, daily lives, constantly stuff they have to deal with and live with. And shouldnt have to, EVERYBODY should be free to live in peace.


Right on brother

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Is there a definitive dividing line between what is allowed and what is not allowed be it verbal or physical or are there grey areas.



I think this is actually a good question.


What is 'harassment' and what isn't?


Let's think about how many, many people meet their significant other - in a club/pub. How many times have people danced up, put their hands around people's waists etc (or far, far more from what I've seen). Is that harassment, or part of the 'courting' process, to use a phrase from the 70s? Is that acceptable?


I remember a barrister complaining very vocally about a QC sending her a message on Linkedin, saying her profile photo was very attractive. He didn't say he wanted to sleep with her, or anything other than he thought she was very attractive. She didn't want that attention, and therefore brought it to public attention. Is that harassment? She clearly felt so, but is she right? Isn't it a very subjective question? One person's unwanted harassment is another's compliment surely?


Where is the line drawn - I agree it's a good question.

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