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Hashtag Me Too.

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Here you are, the opening line from my post, " Are ALL these cases really genuine, be they male or female, "


Maybe you should read more slowly and absorb the words written instead of jumping to your own conclusions. No offence to you intended.




I stand by what I said, and I think it's a really telling question.


Ask yourself who benefits when womens accounts of their abuse are not taken seriously and believed?


Ok, you did use 'all' - but the whole thrust of what you're saying is to cast doubt on womens complaints.


In the last sentence you say ''Some peoples lives will be changed due to allegations, that's certain.''


That sounds a lot to me like you are concerned about some men having their reputation damaged rather than concerned about the massive amount of harm men do to women.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Great post Olive. I think the bit I emboldened seems to sum it up nicely; it's the bit that Makapaka and others don't seem to understand - they're too busy being threatened by the notion that men have a lot to answer for.


Your virtue signalling makes me want to vomit. Who are you trying to impress?

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Which men is it that you believe have "a lot to answer for"?


Is it the ones directly responsible for sexual assault and violence towards women? Which is fair. Or do you mean ALL men - the innocent who have never harmed anybody included?


Perhaps in your distorted view of life there is no such thing as an innocent man? Are the innocent especially guilty in your eyes?


When I say 'men have a lot to answer for' I am, of course referring to men in general, as a group.


No, of course it isn't limited to people who directly sexually attack women. There are many lesser and indirect ways in which men oppress women.


Why do you appear to feel so threatened by the idea that women are speaking out - and men are supporting them?


Of course there are good men around who treat women with respect, as equals.

But as a group, men have a lot to answer for. That's just a fact.

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I stand by what I said, and I think it's a really telling question.


Ask yourself who benefits when womens accounts of their abuse are not taken seriously and believed?


Ok, you did use 'all' - but the whole thrust of what you're saying is to cast doubt on womens complaints.


In the last sentence you say ''Some peoples lives will be changed due to allegations, that's certain.''


That sounds a lot to me like you are concerned about some men having their reputation damaged rather than concerned about the massive amount of harm men do to women.

Correct me if I'm wrong.


I can only point you to my op again, this metoo will affect both male and female in my opinion.



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Guest makapaka
When I say 'men have a lot to answer for' I am, of course referring to men in general, as a group.


No, of course it isn't limited to people who directly sexually attack women. There are many lesser and indirect ways in which men oppress women.


Why do you appear to feel so threatened by the idea that women are speaking out - and men are supporting them?


Of course there are good men around who treat women with respect, as equals.

But as a group, men have a lot to answer for. That's just a fact.


I don’t understand how you can write that last sentence and believe it - what group? I’m not in any group.


If you put misogynist males have a lot to answer for then we agree surely?

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I don’t understand how you can write that last sentence and believe it - what group? I’m not in any group.


If you put misogynist males have a lot to answer for then we agree surely?


He's trolling you, quite expertly too I might add.

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Men "as a group" have a lot to answer for.


You mean ALL men, don't you?


Of course he does, without a hint of irony, yet will defend any minority group from being labelled a derogatory stereotype at the drop of a hat, as 'you can't tar everyone with the same brush'.

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Are ALL these cases really genuine, be they male or female, or are some just jumping on the bandwagon looking for a pay off maybe. Also how do you establish the truth if you accuse some one of a verbal or physical sexual act done many years ago, it must be very difficult to establish as it is most always done in private.


Is there a definitive dividing line between what is allowed and what is not allowed be it verbal or physical or are there grey areas.


Some peoples lives will be changed due to allegations, that's certain.




I find it truly amazing that there exists a belief nowadays, that public vilification can occur without any due process.




Innocent until proven guilty? Where does this sit now in the Court of Social Media?




It's interesting when the police pinch some one for genuinely horrible crimes, the person in custody's identity and details are immediately protected, in many cases, until the matter is well advanced in the legal system. Recall how many times one notices "... whose name cannot be released for legal reasons..." Yet, in certain unpopular areas, the accused is afforded no anonymity, nor it seems, due process to be called to account under law.




All one needs to do is accuse and that's the end of the matter for that person, the snowball will continue with the accused having to prove their innocence.




Not defending Mr Spacey, his actions, or alleged actions, or dismissing any claim by any alleged victim of unwanted behaviour at all.




Where is our society heading?

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I find it truly amazing that there exists a belief nowadays, that public vilification can occur without any due process.




Innocent until proven guilty? Where does this sit now in the Court of Social Media?




It's interesting when the police pinch some one for genuinely horrible crimes, the person in custody's identity and details are immediately protected, in many cases, until the matter is well advanced in the legal system. Recall how many times one notices "... whose name cannot be released for legal reasons..." Yet, in certain unpopular areas, the accused is afforded no anonymity, nor it seems, due process to be called to account under law.




All one needs to do is accuse and that's the end of the matter for that person, the snowball will continue with the accused having to prove their innocence.




Not defending Mr Spacey, his actions, or alleged actions, or dismissing any claim by any alleged victim of unwanted behaviour at all.




Where is our society heading?


Spacey at no point has said "actually thats a lie, that didnt happen" hes not sueing newspapers or anything. Hes hoping a "sorry and did I tell you I was gay" will make it go away.

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