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Terrorists to get Council Houses.

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Read the Telegraph report I linked to. It's the government investigating this. If anything comes of it it won't be loony lefty councils deciding to do it it will be a Tory government forcing it on councils - probably Labour ones so that the Mail, etc. blame loony lefties rather than the people really responsible.


If government does not use its power to stop it, then I will agree with what you are saying.

However I am hoping it is just newspaper rubbish.

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I don't think the Times can be considered a better paper to be honest.


Just the same drivel aimed at people who consider themselves too good to read the Sun :rolleyes:


You’re much more likely to get Sun and Mail readers trotting out the same old garbage.



We should exterminate vermin, not rehouse them at the drop of a hat.



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Guest makapaka
There's a less hysterical report in the Telegraph.


The government is looking at ways to reintegrate returning jihadists and this is something that it being considered. Nothing seems decided yet.


Read between the lines of what is a scaremongering article and it actually says it’s do with people who have been investigated by mI5 and are potential terrorists. To stop them becoming terrorists they are looking at alternatives to integrate.


I’ve not given enough thought to it to know if I agree with that or not - but is safe to say that some terrorist currently beheading someone by a roadside in Kabul is not going to be living on Parson Cross next week nipping into Asda with his food vouchers if that’s what people are worried about.

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Guest makapaka
The only home we should be giving them is an 8x6 cell in a maximum security hell hole for the rest of their days .


The article did say that they hadn’t actually done anything wrong.


I’m not necessarily agreeing with the policy - but that is what the article said.

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Don’t worry - that’s a load of rubbish designed to make you suspicious of immigrants.


Just ignore it and move on with your life.


Its not fake news. It is a proposal on how to assimilate jihadis back into British society.


I dont think there is any dispute that British ISIS extremists have and are returning to the UK.


The fact that you make a statement about 'a load of rubbish designed to make you suspicious of immigrants' says that your either very ignorant or burying your head in the sand.


Either way the threat is real.

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Guest makapaka
Its not fake news. It is a proposal on how to assimilate jihadis back into British society.


I dont think there is any dispute that British ISIS extremists have and are returning to the UK.


The fact that you make a statement about 'a load of rubbish designed to make you suspicious of immigrants' says that your either very ignorant or burying your head in the sand.


Either way the threat is real.


It doesn’t really say that if you read it.


The quoted paper has a history of printing sensationalist headlines about immigration.

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The quoted paper has a history of printing sensationalist headlines about immigration.


That is no reason to ignore totally everything that they print though.


Its not the Sunday Sport or Viz.


Since they have reported this story its become national news.

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