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Terrorists to get Council Houses.

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Guest makapaka
Some university did a survey on returning IS members (I heard about it on 5live) most were disillusioned and ashamed of what they'd done. If memory serves some are trying to activly stop IS recruiting Muslims in this country. They should be used by UK intelligence services not just kicked out or left to rot in a box.


Absolutely- people are being sold this “war on terror” - you can’t have a war on terror. It’s not a tangible enemy. It’s a mindset some people have and it won’t be solved by intelligence or bombs.


All you can do is try and change mindsets and look at our own (and the West’s generally) actions as well to try and come up with a solution.


People might not like to hear that - but the current plan isn’t working.


Some of these ideas might seem like we’re offering an olive branch - but that’s probably what it needs.

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There is no unbiased newspaper.

It falls to an individual to use what intelligence they have to read articles carefully and if anything is taking their interest, read what the other newspapers have to say about it.


I use the Daily Mail as a first point of call because they are quicker in getting stories online before the rest.

Then to find a more realistic version of events that I want to follow up, I balance between the Guardian, Telegraph and Independent.


this is the point that I am making. personally if I see some thing that catches my interest I will seek out other sources.what I do object to is posters slating a source that someone has quoted without offering their view of "a credible source". for instance,-- the daily this or the daily that are just stirring the pot. O.K now tell me who is reporting a subject without stirring the pot!

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Some university did a survey on returning IS members (I heard about it on 5live) most were disillusioned and ashamed of what they'd done. If memory serves some are trying to activly stop IS recruiting Muslims in this country. They should be used by UK intelligence services not just kicked out or left to rot in a box.

Indeed, said it all along, most of these joining IS are young and stupid, feel like theres nothing to do in life, confused, alienated in some cases and angry, looking for a point in life, where theyve fallen for this beautiful caliphate propaganda pushed on social media etc by IS

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Indeed, said it all along, most of these joining IS are young and stupid, feel like theres nothing to do in life, confused, alienated in some cases and angry, looking for a point in life, where theyve fallen for this beautiful caliphate propaganda pushed on social media etc by IS


'young and stupid' maybe too vulnerable and no asset to the Intelligence Service, or maybe the opposite - be sure that these 'returnees' will be under surveillance anyway.

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Indeed, said it all along, most of these joining IS are young and stupid, feel like theres nothing to do in life, confused, alienated in some cases and angry, looking for a point in life, where theyve fallen for this beautiful caliphate propaganda pushed on social media etc by IS


Steady on there, there are forum members who will be conflating "understand" with "condone" and blaming you for supporting terrorism.

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'young and stupid' maybe too vulnerable and no asset to the Intelligence Service, or maybe the opposite - be sure that these 'returnees' will be under surveillance anyway.

its not what they were, its what they are now, they will have learnt things, places, people, know how, things that WILL be of use to the intelligence services


---------- Post added 04-11-2017 at 12:37 ----------


Steady on there, there are forum members who will be conflating "understand" with "condone" and blaming you for supporting terrorism.

no change there then :roll:

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I truly hope this information is false news.


So you go abroad to join a fanatical sect which is hell bent on destroying your Country. When you have had enough of the dark ages you have existed in, murdering innocents, removing heads, burning alive or throwing people off high buildings you decide to return "home".


It is reported some Council dim wits are giving these ideal citizens Council Homes, at the expense of ordinary law abiding people.


Has this Country of ours lost the plot completely, especially some areas governed by dim wit Council's.


We should exterminate vermin, not rehouse them at the drop of a hat.





Cant have them living on the streets. Its against there human rights.

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Indeed, said it all along, most of these joining IS are young and stupid, feel like theres nothing to do in life, confused, alienated in some cases and angry, looking for a point in life, where theyve fallen for this beautiful caliphate propaganda pushed on social media etc by IS


Young and stupid?


Most young and stupid people in society tend to get inebriated, show poor judgement when it comes to finances and relationships and not really plan for the future. Very stupid young people abuse drugs.


Since when did 'young and stupid' mean burning victims alive? Murdering gay people by pushing them from tall buildings? Beheading men and women who don't follow the same twisted religion as them?


Pure evil is how I, and most sane people, would describe them.


Definitely not the deliberately moderate 'young and stupid'.

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Young and stupid?


Most young and stupid people in society tend to get inebriated, show poor judgement when it comes to finances and relationships and not really plan for the future. Very stupid young people abuse drugs.


Since when did 'young and stupid' mean burning victims alive? Murdering gay people by pushing them from tall buildings? Beheading men and women who don't follow the same twisted religion as them?


Pure evil is how I, and most sane people, would describe them.


Definitely not the deliberately moderate 'young and stupid'.


I have to agree wholeheartedly with this post. I can only add that walking into The Manchester Arena and detonating a bomb in a deliberate act that was aimed at killing children from the western world is not displaying the behaviour of someone that is 'young and stupid'.

I've been young and stupid before but I have never wanted to deliberately hurt another human being.

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Young and stupid?


Most young and stupid people in society tend to get inebriated, show poor judgement when it comes to finances and relationships and not really plan for the future. Very stupid young people abuse drugs.


Since when did 'young and stupid' mean burning victims alive? Murdering gay people by pushing them from tall buildings? Beheading men and women who don't follow the same twisted religion as them?


Pure evil is how I, and most sane people, would describe them.


Definitely not the deliberately moderate 'young and stupid'.


thats not what i said, now youre being silly

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