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Terrorists to get Council Houses.

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I have to agree wholeheartedly with this post. I can only add that walking into The Manchester Arena and detonating a bomb in a deliberate act that was aimed at killing children from the western world is not displaying the behaviour of someone that is 'young and stupid'.

I've been young and stupid before but I have never wanted to deliberately hurt another human being.


The problem is when someone believes in an ideology that tells them murdering innocent non believers is a good thing and they will be rewarded in the afterlife for these types of heinous acts, us normals are onto a loser.

The only thing that even comes close to being just as dangerous are those who makes excuses or even support these murderers.

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The problem is when someone believes in an ideology that tells them murdering innocent non believers is a good thing and they will be rewarded in the afterlife for these types of heinous acts, us normals are onto a loser.

The only thing that even comes close to being just as dangerous are those who makes excuses or even support these murderers.


Dimple, I have no idea what the answer is. Making excuses for them i'm sure is not the answer. I saw photos of the funeral of the little girl (I think she was 7 years of age or so) who died at Manchester and I can honestly say that words fail me. I sobbed when I saw the photos. In my opinion if people want to travel to Syria and join IS, that is their bad choice. Tough, you can stay there.

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Guest makapaka
The problem is when someone believes in an ideology that tells them murdering innocent non believers is a good thing and they will be rewarded in the afterlife for these types of heinous acts, us normals are onto a loser.

The only thing that even comes close to being just as dangerous are those who makes excuses or even support these murderers.


I don’t disagree entirely - the thing is - just hating something is not helping anything - we need ideas for a solution- or something towards that.


There are kids everyday in the east watching their families get blown to bits and people flick the news over - as bad as it is - a much smaller number of people are killed over here and there are calls for days of mourning for every incident.


I’ll tell you what - we need to do summat quick - because if we think this is bad - wait til you’ve these kids that have dug their mum and dad out of rubble in Syria get a bit older and want some revenge.

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Originally Posted by altus View Post

There's a less hysterical report in the Telegraph.


The government is looking at ways to reintegrate returning jihadists and this is something that it being considered. Nothing seems decided yet.



The only home we should be giving them is an 8x6 cell in a maximum security hell hole for the rest of their days .


How do you go about reintegrating someone who is hell bent on cutting your napper off, burning you alive or taking you up a high building and showing you the fastest way down. These people are not like us, they have a completely different way of life, which is still stuck in the dark ages. Think I am with Penistone here, on return to the uk, tried and if found guilty, max security till they come out in the proverbial wooden overcoat.



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Originally Posted by altus View Post

There's a less hysterical report in the Telegraph.


The government is looking at ways to reintegrate returning jihadists and this is something that it being considered. Nothing seems decided yet.





How do you go about reintegrating someone who is hell bent on cutting your napper off, burning you alive or taking you up a high building and showing you the fastest way down. These people are not like us, they have a completely different way of life, which is still stuck in the dark ages. Think I am with Penistone here, on return to the uk, tried and if found guilty, max security till they come out in the proverbial wooden overcoat.




I agree with you Angel, if people are travelling to Syria to join ISIS then they already have serious issues. As you say they are not like us. I actually find it hard to comprehend when a terrorist is shot by police and then medical staff have to work to save them. I wonder how doctors and nurses feel about it. It must be quite an odd situation to be in for medical staff.

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