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Opinions wanted on sensitive issue

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I had two workmen in my council property recently and they made a joke about terrorists and one of them shouted 'Allahu Akbar'. Without going into detail I reported them and the one that said that got a warning from his manager. I was very offended that they made a joke about terrorists due to all the attacks that have happened. I was made to feel that I had made a big thing out of nothing and wondered if anyone has any views on this. Sensible replys only please.

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I'd have been pretty annoyed about it too, but I'm not sure if I'd had complained to their manager without saying something to them first. Did you get a chance to say them that you felt their comments were highly inappropriate?


Awaits Penistone and associates saying things like 'PC gone made', 'can't even have a laugh anymore' and 'you'll hear worse down the boozer'.

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I had two workmen in my council property recently and they made a joke about terrorists and one of them shouted 'Allahu Akbar'. Without going into detail I reported them and the one that said that got a warning from his manager. I was very offended that they made a joke about terrorists due to all the attacks that have happened. I was made to feel that I had made a big thing out of nothing and wondered if anyone has any views on this. Sensible replys only please.


The way i see it is, there are idiots that walk this planet and there will always be idiots that walk this planet.. It doesnt matter that you made a complaint, it will have made no difference to that persons attitude, beliefs or their inappropriate comments..

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Also yes you may hear worse down at the pub but this was in my home. I wouldn't dream of saying anything inappropriate in the home of someone I didn't know.


No, me neither, hence why it's highly inappropriate and the fact you told them so and then asked them to leave before following up with their manager sounds like a reasonable course of action to me. Of course the worker thinks he's been hard done-by and is probably complaining about you to all and sundry. As Chelle has posted, he won't change his opinions, he'll just hopefully think twice before saying something potentially offensive to someone he doesn't know.

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I know you say you don’t want t to go into detail, but I am curious to know what the conversation was to prompt them to say what they did. Was it something do do with the work they were doing in your home that made them joke about it?

I’m curious now, but I also respect you don’t want to go into detail.

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You did the right thing. If someone did that in my house, regardless of what they were there for, they'd get tossed as well. If you feel that you don't get an appropriate response, take it up the ladder - I assume they were council employees, they should behave professionally and responsibly.

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You did the right thing. If someone did that in my house, regardless of what they were there for, they'd get tossed as well. If you feel that you don't get an appropriate response, take it up the ladder - I assume they were council employees, they should behave professionally and responsibly.


I sooooooo want to make a funny comment about something you've put in your post but i better not :hihi::twisted:


If they were council workers then i'd be quite surprised by their comments - you'd think they'd be given strict conducts to adhere to..

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