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Opinions wanted on sensitive issue

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If they were council workers then i'd be quite surprised by their comments - you'd think they'd be given strict conducts to adhere to..


Maybe they were employed by someone else, but doing council work?


I wouldn't have a problem with people joking and messing around, but I wouldn't do it myself.

Religion can be a sensitive subject for some.

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were the workers Asian ?


On second thoughts, don’t answer that.


Are you Asian ?


On second thoughts, don’t answer that either.


Because if the workers are Asian, they’re insensitive and should be sacked


However, if you’re the Asian, then you’re clearly a snowflake who can’t take a joke

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I was made to feel that I had made a big thing out of nothing and wondered if anyone has any views on this.


You want him to lose his job over a joke? How pathetic are you?


Did you throw them out before or after they'd finished doing all the work you wanted???

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You did the right thing. If someone did that in my house, regardless of what they were there for, they'd get tossed as well. If you feel that you don't get an appropriate response, take it up the ladder - I assume they were council employees, they should behave professionally and responsibly.


Go on I"ll do it for you chelle.:hihi:

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No i'm not Asian and neither was the workman. The worker was a from a company that I won't name but he was carrying out work on behalf of Keepmoat who are doing work for sheffield homes. I can take a joke but I personally know someone who has been affected by the terrorists so it is something that I won't tolerate as it is a matter close to my heart.

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