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Gordon Brown - Bankers should've been jailed.

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Gordon Brown, ex Chancellor of the exchequer and ex Prime Minister, has said that Bankers should've been jailed for their part in the financial crash of 2008, like they were in America and other countries.


Which begs the question, - Why weren't they?


Considering he was in power at the time, he's 10 years too late. David Cameron didn't do any better after 2010. Apart from 4 stooges, the main players got away scott free, didn't even lose their jobs, continuing to draw millions in salaries and bonuses to this day.


Truly, one law for us and another for them. And we are still paying the price.

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Gordon Brown as one of the principal architects of New Labour was enthusiastic to continue with the neo liberal experiment of deregulation of financial services started under Thatcher with the encouragement of Free Market fanatics/ideologues, Keith Joseph, Institute for Economic Affairs, Adam Smith Institute, etc.


Gordon Brown needs to reflect a bit more on his part in the overall process.


Bankers should have gone to jail. Since the Bankers Party has been in power for a good few years the cost of paying for their greed and profligacy has been passed onto the rest of us, in the form of low investment in Public Services and benefit cuts

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This isn't a party thing.


Like I said Cameron also had 5 years to do something but didn't.


A lot of people from all walks of life and all political parties couldn't understand why they hadn't been jailed. The answer has to be because they were too rich and too powerful.


In this country, 'Nobody is above the Law,' simply isn't true any more, is it?

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Which begs the question, - Why weren't they?


Political will.


Or, more specifically, the lack of it is the reason none of the UK's parasite banking elite were imprisoned for their criminal acts relating to the economic meltdown of 2008.


Insider trading, money laundering, misleading markets, breach of duties, lying to the authorities - but the political will AT THE TOP of the establishment parties does not exist to punish the bankers.

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The Reason why they were not jailed is because;

we (British Public)

or (any Politician for 60 years)

or (Any Mainstream Journalist since the 1950s)

have never been able to question the system of capitalism.


Capitalism would work just fine if the people who work the levers of it were honest and not too greedy. Even if they were just a little greedy it would work just fine.

We are now witnessing what happens when the actors in the important positions are so unable to conceive their own hubris and greed cause the system to collapse.

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