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Shell garage herris road

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When you drive a small 1litre engine up some of Sheffield's steep hills you can tell the difference between cheap supermarket fuel and shell.


The claim was that supermarket fuel was actually detrimental to an engine's emissions.


Considering your claim, are you suggesting Shell 95 RON increases BHP when compared to Supermarket 95 RON?

Edited by SnailyBoy
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negative people, go and do a little experiment, get some supermarket fuel [that's supposed to be shell] put it in a clear glass jar, then do the same with real shell fuel, the first thing you will notice is the different smell and the different colour, then soak a separate piece of paper with each fuel and then light each one, then see which one gives of more black smoke and which one burns for longer, then ask yourselves are they the same

95 ron is standard fuel measuring the burn rate not the quality of the fuel

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I recognize this is just an anecdote, not data or scientific evidence, but in my personal experience my car, (which has a mpg computer), gets a better average on Shell/BP/etc than it does on supermarket fuel. It appears to do even better on the 'Advanced' fuels. Whether this difference is enough to offset the cost I don't know.


As for supermarket fuel killing engines, well my last but one car was run on whatever was handy at the time including a lot of Tesco fuel. I sold it at 225K miles and it was perfectly happy...

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Our car started to make funny scary noises when fueling at Tesco ones.

We never tanked there again and have since paid attention to difference of cheap/expensive fuel.

You get what you pay for, pay more and get better mileage and engine sounds better.

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