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Greed of the Super Rich, Lizzie in Trouble.

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Here is a good one, surprised no one has commented on it already. Around £10million of the Queen's private money has been invested in overseas accounts in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda


Seems like our super rich monarch is a little naughty, or maybe not. Her "advisers" have come to the fore, stating her maj has nothing to do with these kinds of "investments" they are handled by a third party, apparently.


Must be nice to be able to allow someone access to your brass and make "investments" you know nothing about costing £10 million.


Still her personal wealth is only around £450 millions, god knows how she manages with such a pitiful amount.


Increased revenues from the Crown Estate, which owns properties and land across Britain, will see Her Majesty’s sovereign grant rise by eight per cent from £76million in 2017-18 to £82.2million the year after.


Meanwhile the surfs have to use food banks to survive. It does make you think, don't you think.



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Must be nice to be able to allow someone access to your brass and make "investments" you know nothing about costing £10 million.


Thats very common really.


Even Joe Bloggs can have a small investment fund managed by a broker, they won't know what is being done with the money they'll just get a yearly statement showing how it's performing.

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Here is a good one, surprised no one has commented on it already. Around £10million of the Queen's private money has been invested in overseas accounts in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda


Seems like our super rich monarch is a little naughty, or maybe not. Her "advisers" have come to the fore, stating her maj has nothing to do with these kinds of "investments" they are handled by a third party, apparently.


Must be nice to be able to allow someone access to your brass and make "investments" you know nothing about costing £10 million.


Still her personal wealth is only around £450 millions, god knows how she manages with such a pitiful amount.


Increased revenues from the Crown Estate, which owns properties and land across Britain, will see Her Majesty’s sovereign grant rise by eight per cent from £76million in 2017-18 to £82.2million the year after.

All wrong, of course.

HM The Queen has no 'private money' of the kind that you naiively describe.

She is the Tenant for Life of the Duchy of Lancaster. Trusts are held by trustees, not beneficiaries (whose entitlement is limited to income during lifetime only). It's the trustees who have management powers. To understand better how trusts are constituted, start with https://www.gov.uk/trusts-taxes

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Thats very common really.


Even Joe Bloggs can have a small investment fund managed by a broker, they won't know what is being done with the money they'll just get a yearly statement showing how it's performing.


Yep absolutely. If you buy into a unit trust or a fund then you don't define or often even know where your money is invested. Some do have options to control industries or countries if you have ethics you want maintained but in general the managers just put it wherever they think they will get the best returns. Very unlikely the Queen would have had any direct knowledge of where that money was invested, but it does indeed ask questions around how impossible it seems to be to stop these schemes.

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Guest makapaka
All wrong, of course.

HM The Queen has no 'private money' of the kind that you naiively describe.

She is the Tenant for Life of the Duchy of Lancaster. Trusts are held by trustees, not beneficiaries (whose entitlement is limited to income during lifetime only). It's the trustees who have management powers. To understand better how trusts are constituted, start with https://www.gov.uk/trusts-taxes


I think the wider point that she lives a life of absolute luxury with possessions on her dining table worth enough to rehouse a homeless person is where the OP is coming from.


Not the intricacies off trustee tax law.


Unless your suggesting that the Queen is short of cash somehow?

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