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Greed of the Super Rich, Lizzie in Trouble.

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All wrong, of course.

HM The Queen has no 'private money' of the kind that you naiively describe.

She is the Tenant for Life of the Duchy of Lancaster. Trusts are held by trustees, not beneficiaries (whose entitlement is limited to income during lifetime only). It's the trustees who have management powers. To understand better how trusts are constituted, start with https://www.gov.uk/trusts-taxes



Here you are, unless this is lies, cannot see FORBES lying, can you.


Queen Elizabeth II’s net worth.


The Queen’s personal fortune remains unknown, but in 2016 Forbes estimated that her private wealth came to £415million ($530million).


This estimate includes her private real estate portfolio including Sandringham House, Balmoral Castle, real estate in London and agricultural land across the country.



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Here is a good one, surprised no one has commented on it already. Around £10million of the Queen's private money has been invested in overseas accounts in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda


Seems like our super rich monarch is a little naughty, or maybe not. Her "advisers" have come to the fore, stating her maj has nothing to do with these kinds of "investments" they are handled by a third party, apparently.


Must be nice to be able to allow someone access to your brass and make "investments" you know nothing about costing £10 million.


Still her personal wealth is only around £450 millions, god knows how she manages with such a pitiful amount.


Increased revenues from the Crown Estate, which owns properties and land across Britain, will see Her Majesty’s sovereign grant rise by eight per cent from £76million in 2017-18 to £82.2million the year after.


Meanwhile the surfs have to use food banks to survive. It does make you think, don't you think.




Trouble for what exactly?


Nothing illegal last time I checked. In fact, I bet if any of us could be bothered to take the time to check each and every single investment, batched fund or stock we have in our own pensions, we would find links to such schemes and companies.


All blown out of proportion with these so called "investigative journalists" giving each other glad hands over disclosure of information which is quite frankly nobody's business.


Notwithstanding that Lizzie's apportionment in such LEGAL schemes is minimal anyway, certain newspapers have even gone so far as to "shame" her for investing in perfectly accepted and operating british companies such as Bright House , just because SOME people have questioned their corporate morals.


God sake. Talk about overreaction.


Its about time they stop chasing the easy headlines and expose the REAL corruption and illegal activity in the world.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I think the wider point that she lives a life of absolute luxury with possessions on her dining table worth enough to rehouse a homeless person is where the OP is coming from.


Not the intricacies off trustee tax law.


Unless your suggesting that the Queen is short of cash somehow?


That's a different thread

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How did the so-called 'royalty' come by their wealth, power and influence, in the first place? Did they just find it under a rock? Won the pools? Or was it more violence, murdering and thievery through the ages?


You know full well the answer to that because its exactly the same way that 99% of society exists.


Our entire existance in the settlements we now call towns and cities. Our entire existance in the lives we lead. Our entire existance as a mordern society has been developed through centuries of just that.


Violence, murder and thievery.


You seriously going to pile all that on the current incumbent of Royals?


Perhaps you should give up your home and place in society because for all you know it was created by way of murder and stealing land by one your relatives 300 years ago eh?


Civilisation is a bitch init.

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The Panorama journalists/programme makers might even have a BBC pension (if they're not self-employed).




Very interesting find.


To think that those squawking on Panorama tonight might well have pensions with the BBC where some of their top multi-milion pound investments on that report include Amazon, Google, Vodafone, Imperial Tobacco and Barclays.


Very interesting indeed.


---------- Post added 06-11-2017 at 20:13 ----------


It would be nice if us PAYE people could avoid tax, they are only doing it, because our Government are letting them.


A good many of us do albeit on a much smaller scale.


Pension schemes, ISAs, employee benefit schemes, employee subsidised purchase schemes, undeclared online goods selling, cash in hand second jobs.


Its all relative.

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A good many of us do albeit on a much smaller scale.


Pension schemes, ISAs, employee benefit schemes, employee subsidised purchase schemes, undeclared online goods selling, cash in hand second jobs.


Its all relative.


Surely those dealing in millions are easier to catch, and more worth while for the authorities.

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Lewis Hamilton flew to the Isle of Man, completed a tax form, then flew out again 50 mins later - saving himself £3.7 million in import taxes, the 'Paradise Papers' have revealed.


Hamilton avoided paying VAT on his £16.5million private jet, a Bombardier Challenger 605, by having it imported to the Isle of Man and claiming he used it entirely for business purposes - which is false. A third of Hamilton's flights on the jet have been for pleasure seeking private trips.


Not only is Hamilton doing his best to destroy the planet with his private jet's global warming emissions, but he avoids paying tax because he knows it goes to help fund the NHS.


Hamilton has committed hate crime against the poor and disadvantaged with his greedy, selfish hedonistic playboy lifestyle.


---------- Post added 06-11-2017 at 21:15 ----------


Very unlikely the Queen would have had any direct knowledge of where that money was invested, but it does indeed ask questions around how impossible it seems to be to stop these schemes.


Ignorance of where a wealthy person's money is invested should be no defence. Tax evasion and avoidance steals from the poor and gives to the rich.

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