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Greed of the Super Rich, Lizzie in Trouble.

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I cant speak for Cyclone but if Ive £131m in the bank and Im arranging my shiney new plane to be delivered on the Isle of Man and not where I live in Monaco, purely to avoid paying VAT, thats aggressive tax avoidance and it would make me a bit of **** head.


Could that be proved?


Your wife could be having a nice birthday on the Isle of Man, and the Boeing was a special surprise.

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To argue on behalf of those who abuse the tax system is to saw through the branch we are most of us sitting upon.


It has been shown in the USA, that the rich pay a lower proportion of their income to the tax man. But since the rich are international jet setters, can this be stopped if they have homes and bank accounts in numerous countries.


The UK has done its best to attract the rich to live and have their base here, I believe we have tried too hard. Make the nondoms pay more tax, but can we, without them leaving.

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In 2010 there were questions on sheffieldforum about what was happening on Fargate as banks and mobile phone stores were subject to demonstration and occupation. I answered that UKUncut were drawing attention to the scandal of tax abuse. Seven years on, the destruction of the tax base is almost complete, and the services that most families depend upon, state schools, hospitals, social care, the police, etc., lie in ruins. I suspect we are now powerless to change the situation. Perhaps 2010 was too late. Are we now simply to watch the slow dissolution of our culture, the slavery of all to the irresponsible, hateful logic of finance capitalism?

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I was confronted with the fact that neoliberal doctrine was entirely opposed to all preceding political or economic theories when I became aware of the mechanics of the infamous credit default swap during the financial scandal of 2007/8. It was a moment of profound shock. No longer was responsible behaviour a virtue. Destruction had become the ultimate profit mechanism. And that logic now infects the globe as corporate interests and the governments they have subverted seek to valorise every aspect of our existence.

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Im not sure you did. Did you:suspect:
If you re-read my post carefully, I didn't, and called it for what it was: a dodge.


I'm as morally opposed to self-serving abuses of the tax system...as I am looking at the question objectively: fundamentally, the fault lies with making the loopholes available, not in using them whilst they are available.


Close them, and either VAT on the private Lear can't be recouped anymore, or the Lear can't be used for non-business purposes anymore.


Simple in principle, extraordinarily difficult in practice.


Refer my earlier (first) post in this thread :)

Edited by L00b
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Also true in the UK. According to the ONS, the top fifth pay 37.4% of their gross income in tax (23.0% direct + 14.4% indirect), whereas the bottom fifth pay 38.0% (11.0% direct + 27.0% indirect).


I'm pretty sure that the disparity would be bigger if you looked at the top, say, 0.1%, who have access to all these aggressive avoidance methods, but I admit that I don't have a link to back that up.


Interesting ratio figures there about direct and indirect taxes there.


The lower earners buy more stuff and have a higher burden of indirect tax is the only conclusion I take from it


Funny how the ONS figures doesn't fit the agressive narrative the media has taken recently. Why isn't the media screaming that the rich should be buying lots more stuff and 10 houses to make up their shortfall.

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Democracy has been subjected to a prenatal termination. The neoliberal project succeeded in neutralising the democratic hope wherever it manifested. The discredited symbols of democracy have been dismantled, and now, as we witness reterritorialisation in the form of manipulable identitarian and authoritarian dogma, there seems to be no space left for social justice, flourishing community or human dignity.

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