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Greed of the Super Rich, Lizzie in Trouble.

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What motivates tax scrounger Hamilton is massively increasing his carbon footprint, doing his bit to accelerate climate change and withholding tax that could be used for essential public services.


Hamilton doesn't live in the UK..why should he pay tax here?

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Yep, exactly. It really does annoy me when people that have more money than they could ever realistically spend still go through ridiculously convoluted methods to avoid paying taxes back to the countries that enabled them to get rich in the first place, but the issue here is more that it's legal and not that people use it. Our tax laws need to get much, much tighter and it's been said enough times so perhaps this time something will actually change.

There was a programme on TV the last time this came up. They were saying on there that some of the people who write the tax laws build in the loopholes then ultimately go to work for the accountancy firms and exploit them.

To most people it would probably seem fair that if a tax system says that a certain percentage of income is taxed at a certain rate that's what it should be.

The situation has gone on for years and unless every country in the world does something about it then it won't change. Something that is very unlikely to happen.

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There was a programme on TV the last time this came up. They were saying on there that some of the people who write the tax laws build in the loopholes then ultimately go to work for the accountancy firms and exploit them.

To most people it would probably seem fair that if a tax system says that a certain percentage of income is taxed at a certain rate that's what it should be.

The situation has gone on for years and unless every country in the world does something about it then it won't change. Something that is very unlikely to happen.


The tax experts in the accountancy companies are seconded to HMRC to draft the regulations.


Not much conflict of interest there!

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Here is a good one, surprised no one has commented on it already. Around £10million of the Queen's private money has been invested in overseas accounts in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda


Seems like our super rich monarch is a little naughty, or maybe not. Her "advisers" have come to the fore, stating her maj has nothing to do with these kinds of "investments" they are handled by a third party, apparently.


Must be nice to be able to allow someone access to your brass and make "investments" you know nothing about costing £10 million.


Still her personal wealth is only around £450 millions, god knows how she manages with such a pitiful amount.


Increased revenues from the Crown Estate, which owns properties and land across Britain, will see Her Majesty’s sovereign grant rise by eight per cent from £76million in 2017-18 to £82.2million the year after.


Meanwhile the surfs have to use food banks to survive. It does make you think, don't you think.




Yes indeed.


---------- Post added 07-11-2017 at 17:16 ----------


Thats very common really.


Even Joe Bloggs can have a small investment fund managed by a broker, they won't know what is being done with the money they'll just get a yearly statement showing how it's performing.


I saw this mentioned on TV too.


That and Lizzie is all about downplaying this.

It's comparing chalk and cheese.

There's a big difference in the individual super rich deliberately investing millions in tax dodging schemes, and a little bit of Joe Bloggs pension contribution being invested in a scheme he knows nothing about.

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The tax scrounger Lewis Hamilton purchased a private jet outside the EU, which is subject to twenty per cent VAT in order to import it and fly it freely around the continent. He claimed that the jet was purely for business use - which made it exempt from the VAT.


But over a third of his journeys on this obscene symbol of wealth and consumption have been for private use, holidays with girlfriends etc. These pleasure seeking trips should be taxed by law.


His lawyers have confirmed that no VAT has been paid for the jet.


Scrounger Hamilton prefers a wasteful private jet because he hates to travel with the hoi polloi, who pay their taxes.


Like taxes, climate change is only for the 'little people' to worry about. Disgusting.


---------- Post added 07-11-2017 at 15:03 ----------



What motivates tax scrounger Hamilton is massively increasing his carbon footprint, doing his bit to accelerate climate change and withholding tax that could be used for essential public services.


Your jealousy is clear to see.


---------- Post added 07-11-2017 at 17:34 ----------


What motivates tax scrounger Hamilton is massively increasing his carbon footprint, doing his bit to accelerate climate change and withholding tax that could be used for essential public services.


Lewis Hamilton dosnt live in the UK ,so why should he pay for our NHS and other public services ?

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Your jealousy is clear to see.


---------- Post added 07-11-2017 at 17:34 ----------



Lewis Hamilton dosnt live in the UK ,so why should he pay for our NHS and other public services ?


Why do you chose to defend people who are morally reprehensible?

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I have to admit I rated Hamilton as a racer and been a decent bloke. I still rate him as a superb master of his trade, but the decent bloke has now taken a big hit. Looks like he is as bad as most of the super rich, enough brass to last 10 lifetimes but still trying to get more. WHY?.



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