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Norton Lees tree protest 7/11.


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The value of the tree is a CAVAT value, which is used by local authorities to value a tree and is based on the size and species of an individual tree. There is another valuation method called itree, which also takes into account all the benefits trees give us, such as oxygen, physical and mental health benefits, pleasant environments, crime reduction etc. You can look both these methods up online.


I have seen the tree in question, and take on board some of the points people have raised about it's position on the pavement. I'll come back to this thread tomorrow to answer properly as I'll have more time then.

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If the council had met its obligations in the past and maintained the existing tree's they wouldn't be in this situation now.


The tree's they are replacing the chopped down ones with aren't exactly cheap and will still have long term maintenance costs. However, they are still skint so will probably neglect the new tree's. ok in 50 years time the cycle will all start again.

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melv would you say that most of locals agree with certain trees , which are problems , need to be cut down and replaced . New trees which are put in will be , or should be , more suited and will not need the maintenance that the older trees need . Its annoying when people from outside your area start dictating what is best . We need trees that is a fact but they have to be trees that are suited to the area they are being planted in , over a long period of time .Unnecessary protesting does nothing but increase the cost to all tax payers.


---------- Post added 10-11-2017 at 10:37 ----------


Even if the council had met its obligations in the past , if the trees were of the wrong type the root system would have been the same and a tree what takes 20 yrs to reach an height . once pruned will only take around 3 yrs to get back to that height it will always be a problem . Think replacing trees in problem areas and replacing is a good solution

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..plenty more trees and thousands of new ones being planted .. I chopped 6 down last week was great fun


Nice to see someone on here enjoying their work for a change. Assuming it was work and not a mindless act of vandalism :|

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