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Norton Lees tree protest 7/11.


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These 'professional protesters' that spend their time travelling the country attending protests are just wanting to cause maximum disruption towards authority. I doubt they have the same passion for the cause that the local resident tree felling objectors have.

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its getting boring this tree protesting now, im sick of hearing about it. These protesters who are on a green crusade seem to think everyone agrees with them. well we don't. They remind me of the pro remain mob in the brexit argument. Trees have ben removed on my road ,one outside my house had its branches practically touching my roof, blocking sunlight to my property and was causing subsidence to my property and raised the footpath making it dangerous for the public, as well as putting a big hump in my driveway.

not seen anyone of these tree protesters protesting about trees being removed in shiregreen, shircliffe, southey, Hillsboro, darnall ,pitsmoor etc. bunch of NIMBY`s

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I think it would make Sheffield MUCH nicer if it pulled down all the trees across the city to save a private company a few quid. Lets have a city of tarmac, massive SUVs parked across pavements, and all houses and streets looking identical. The less greenery the better.


To hell with people that want their living areas to look good, and feature nature. Who needs the environment anyway?


I'm going to concrete over my garden and stick a massive Range Rover in it. Might put a massive flatscreen in my window too, so I can't see out. I'm a big achiever you know. I'm doing alright- can't stand these do-gooders, going around wanting explanations as to why a PFI company is taking taxpayers money and running, and destroying anything they can to keep their overheads low.


NB: Sarcasm.

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Guest makapaka
I think it would make Sheffield MUCH nicer if it pulled down all the trees across the city to save a private company a few quid. Lets have a city of tarmac, massive SUVs parked across pavements, and all houses and streets looking identical. The less greenery the better.


To hell with people that want their living areas to look good, and feature nature. Who needs the environment anyway?


I'm going to concrete over my garden and stick a massive Range Rover in it. Might put a massive flatscreen in my window too, so I can't see out. I'm a big achiever you know. I'm doing alright- can't stand these do-gooders, going around wanting explanations as to why a PFI company is taking taxpayers money and running, and destroying anything they can to keep their overheads low.


NB: Sarcasm.


No one is pulling down all the trees.

Or proposing a city of tarmac.

Or that less greenery is better.

Or destroying everything they can.


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No one is pulling down all the trees.

Or proposing a city of tarmac.

Or that less greenery is better.

Or destroying everything they can.





Yes they are! As reported in every newspaper, no matter it's political persuasion.


Care for some reading?














A small sample there to be going on with.


Do you perchance work for Amey?


Condemnation about the destroying of the environment is pretty widespread and coming from the left wing, the right wing, from all sources. It's one of the only things every national news source in the country seems to agree on!


Not entirely sure where you're getting the idea that 'no one is pulling down all the trees'........of course it's easier to say it's not happening, and that all the protests are just people causing trouble. Far easier than to consider the stark reality- that Sheffield council in conjunction with Amey is happily destroying the environment around us in the name of profit.


I'm not a protester, but it's absolute crazy denial to suggest this isn't going on. It is.

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So which of those articles say that all the trees are being pulled down, proposing a city of tarmac etc?


Do you know how many trees there are in Sheffield? Those growing in pavements or roadside verges are a tiny proportion.

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Perhaps the most interesting one is this.




To clarify though- I know nothing about the particular tree this topic is about. Perhaps it is so disruptive it needs to be removed. In which case, fair enough. But I think given all the news about the Council and Amey, people wouldn't trust them to cut their grass, let alone trees!


They're as corrupt as can be, and have made headlines for Sheffield for all the wrong reasons.


---------- Post added 13-11-2017 at 18:16 ----------


So which of those articles say that all the trees are being pulled down, proposing a city of tarmac etc?


Do you know how many trees there are in Sheffield? Those growing in pavements or roadside verges are a tiny proportion.


How about the first one? 4,500 at the time the article was written.


I mean, this is a pointless argument. If you honestly think, having read all these reports, seen all the news features, that Amey and the Council AREN'T destroying trees that don't need to be, then really there's no point in discussing it.


The news is there- if you want to think otherwise, that's up to you, but it's in blatant opposition to the facts.

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Perhaps the most interesting one is this.




To clarify though- I know nothing about the particular tree this topic is about. Perhaps it is so disruptive it needs to be removed. In which case, fair enough. But I think given all the news about the Council and Amey, people wouldn't trust them to cut their grass, let alone trees!


They're as corrupt as can be, and have made headlines for Sheffield for all the wrong reasons.


Where are the "famous avenues of trees" Monbiot goes on about? I'm desperately trying to think of the huge numbers of visitors they attracted. Bet most of the tree protesters hadn't heard of them two years ago.


---------- Post added 13-11-2017 at 18:22 ----------



How about the first one? 4,500 at the time the article was written.


I mean, this is a pointless argument. If you honestly think, having read all these reports, seen all the news features, that Amey and the Council AREN'T destroying trees that don't need to be, then really there's no point in discussing it.


The news is there- if you want to think otherwise, that's up to you, but it's in blatant opposition to the facts.


They've felled 6,000 of the 36,000 trees growing in the pavements and roadside verges. They have a few hundred more due to be felled.


These are by no means all of the trees that impact on Sheffield streets - there are many thousands more in parks, green space, private gardens very close to roads.


There are a few million more within the city.

Edited by Longcol
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I think it would make Sheffield MUCH nicer if it pulled down all the trees across the city to save a private company a few quid. Lets have a city of tarmac, massive SUVs parked across pavements, and all houses and streets looking identical. The less greenery the better.


To hell with people that want their living areas to look good, and feature nature. Who needs the environment anyway?


I'm going to concrete over my garden and stick a massive Range Rover in it. Might put a massive flatscreen in my window too, so I can't see out. I'm a big achiever you know. I'm doing alright- can't stand these do-gooders, going around wanting explanations as to why a PFI company is taking taxpayers money and running, and destroying anything they can to keep their overheads low.


NB: Sarcasm.


I'm personally sick to death of these anti-fracking, so called environmentalists. How dare they impede poor energy companies drilling into sedimentary rock to release gases and in the process pollute the natural water course.

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