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Norton Lees tree protest 7/11.


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It's fortunate that the Co-op were able to provide cctv footage to the Police of whoever vandalised the otherwise healthy tree. I've had confirmation that the Council will pursue this for criminal damage.


Hopefully the little old ladies will be pursued for trespass as well.

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A protest took place yesterday over the felling of a tree on Lees Hall Avenue. The tree is on a raised section of footpath and grass verge that slopes away to the road. The trunk and roots have encroached on to the footpath making it difficult to negotiate them as there's a boundary wall. The distance between the wall and tree is 35cm. This makes the path a no-go area for people in a wheelchairs or pushchairs. Visually impaired people would also have problems due to the roots, which have raised the footpath at least 4".

I had a discussion with one of the protesters yesterday, her reply was why can't they walk round the tree. I explained that they would have to walk in the road. Her reply was to stop harassing her.

They prevented the tree being felled, so a lot of money was wasted,paying at least six men to stand around all morning.

Two old ladies managed to breech the safety fence and trespassed on somebodies front garden and sat on the steps.

My advice to the protesters is to pick your battles, as anyone with a modicum of common sense could see this tree needed to be felled for safety reasons.

Anyway, your protest was in vain as someone has ring-barked the tree overnight. And putting bat boxes in the tree won't work also.


Thats standard practice for council workman

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A protest took place yesterday over the felling of a tree on Lees Hall Avenue. The tree is on a raised section of footpath and grass verge that slopes away to the road. The trunk and roots have encroached on to the footpath making it difficult to negotiate them as there's a boundary wall. The distance between the wall and tree is 35cm. This makes the path a no-go area for people in a wheelchairs or pushchairs. Visually impaired people would also have problems due to the roots, which have raised the footpath at least 4".


If this is the tree in question




then I wouldn't think there is a cost effective engineering solution. Surprised it wasn't felled years ago given its position.

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Yeah, that’s the tree. I was walking past as the protest was happening. An elderly gentleman was trying to explain to an elderly lady protester that he had real trouble getting his wife past the tree in her wheelchair. The elderly protester just blanked him while blowing smoke in his face, Celia I think they called her. She seemed to be more interested in orchestrating the protesters while keeping her distance. I felt really sorry for the old man.

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I gather from other protests that some intimidation has taken place when protesters have been told to remove themselves from peoples gardens. I know of one who phoned the council about them trespassing on their property. The council advised her to tell them herself, "I've got to live here," was her reply.

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I gather from other protests that some intimidation has taken place when protesters have been told to remove themselves from peoples gardens. I know of one who phoned the council about them trespassing on their property. The council advised her to tell them herself, "I've got to live here," was her reply.


Sounds to me like you have just made that up. Why would anyone ring the council about someone trespassing? You would ring the Police, and even if for some silly reason you did ring the council they would tell you to contact the Police.


Also if intimidation had taken place this would become Aggravated Trespass which is most definitely a criminal offence which you can be arrested for.

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