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Norton Lees tree protest 7/11.


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Chop it down it's a hazard end off .. Enough of these tree huggers costing £££££s to get the protesters moved just stick them in cell chop tree down and move on ..plenty more trees and thousands of new ones being planted .. I chopped 6 down last week was great fun

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There are a few points that might not be clear to everyone. The damage that was done will not lead to the immediate death of the tree. The tree will be in full leaf next spring. The damage if it is completely effective will prevent sugars produced in the canopy being stored in the roots, this does not prevent water and nutrients from the roots reaching the canopy of the tree as these are transported deeper in the trunk. It does mean that serious damage has been done that will significantly reduce the life of the tree to a few years. This does not mean that the tree has suddenly become dangerous and in need of felling overnight.

If Sheffield council and AMEY have an ounce of integrity they should treat this for what it is – Criminal damage to an asset worth over £20,000. They should send a clear message out to the culprits that are watching this that criminal action is not acceptable and will not be rewarded by them using this as an excuse to fell this tree. They should put this tree to the back of their felling list and pursue the evidence they have to bring to justice the culprits.

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If the protests were about this specific tree being removed its clearly an example of jumping on the bandwagon and will only weaken the case of the protesters.


I appreciate their are exaggerations and accusations from both sides but this tree is clearly causing an obstruction.

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I don't know the ins and outs of this story- but really, what a mess Sheffield has created for itself with all the tree felling. It really is ridiculous- the amount of avoidable nonsense that this ludicrous policy has brought in. People across the country are aware of it- it's a national story, and a constant embarrassment to Sheffield.


Amey and the Council are pathetic or incompetent at best, corrupt at worse. Together they drag the city down to a level far beneath it. It really is a joke.


I don't see any replacement trees appearing in my area where they've destroyed them. Just gaping holes in the ground with no security cordons around them, and kerb stones lying in the road. Marvelous work from Amey.

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There are a few points that might not be clear to everyone. The damage that was done will not lead to the immediate death of the tree. The tree will be in full leaf next spring. The damage if it is completely effective will prevent sugars produced in the canopy being stored in the roots, this does not prevent water and nutrients from the roots reaching the canopy of the tree as these are transported deeper in the trunk. It does mean that serious damage has been done that will significantly reduce the life of the tree to a few years. This does not mean that the tree has suddenly become dangerous and in need of felling overnight.

If Sheffield council and AMEY have an ounce of integrity they should treat this for what it is – Criminal damage to an asset worth over £20,000. They should send a clear message out to the culprits that are watching this that criminal action is not acceptable and will not be rewarded by them using this as an excuse to fell this tree. They should put this tree to the back of their felling list and pursue the evidence they have to bring to justice the culprits.


I take it you have not seen the tree and the obstruction it causes. My advice is to have a look and then post again.

As I said in my OP, someone in a wheelchair or a baby in a buggy would have great difficulty negotiating the footpath.

What is more important; injuring a person or a sycamore tree,which is a non indigenous species?

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But in this case it seems like they are trying to remove a tree which needs removing.


Does that make the protesters pathetic or incompetent at best?


Well, reading the above, it seems to depend on who you want to believe. Hence me saying I have no idea on the ins and outs on it.


You won't find too many people with a good word to say about the council and/or Amey though at the moment.


That article is worth a read.

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There are a few points that might not be clear to everyone. The damage that was done will not lead to the immediate death of the tree. The tree will be in full leaf next spring. The damage if it is completely effective will prevent sugars produced in the canopy being stored in the roots, this does not prevent water and nutrients from the roots reaching the canopy of the tree as these are transported deeper in the trunk. It does mean that serious damage has been done that will significantly reduce the life of the tree to a few years. This does not mean that the tree has suddenly become dangerous and in need of felling overnight.

If Sheffield council and AMEY have an ounce of integrity they should treat this for what it is – Criminal damage to an asset worth over £20,000. They should send a clear message out to the culprits that are watching this that criminal action is not acceptable and will not be rewarded by them using this as an excuse to fell this tree. They should put this tree to the back of their felling list and pursue the evidence they have to bring to justice the culprits.


How do you put that value on the tree?

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