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Underground rave music scene all but extinct?


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I have only lived here nearly 6 months but I gotta say there is almost 0 scene here in clubs at least and I refuse to go to free parties any more so not interested if that is going on. I have found the odd dos but they are so few and far between to be almost a quarterly affair.


I am not blaming sheffield because the state of affairs was almost as bad in manchester. I am guessing it is no longer financially viable for club owners to hold these events so they have just died.


I think rave music has become like the hippy movement (or grunge or whatever); it had its day and has now been absorbed into the homogenous mainstream with all its spirit sucked out of it.


But there seems to be no underground music taking its place now. I can't understand how the whole population is just happy with mindless trendy bars or the castrated version of dance music that is passed off these days.


Even other alternative music types are totally devoid of any rebellion now. Corporation being the answer to rock music????????


Noone seems dissatisfied with the state of affairs and are happy to just take whatever they are given so long as it is deemed 'hip' on their precious social media from which they take all their cues.

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There's loads of underground nights going on - especially compared to 10 or 15 years ago -there's lots of late night venues around the edge of the city centre in old workshops or warehouses. Just get a copy of Now Then or similar and look around on Facebook for stuff at


The Night Kitchen

Yellow Arch

Hope Works




plus stuff at the Harley and nights in the smaller room at Plug


On the live music side try the Big Wow, the Lug Hole, Audacious Art Experiment

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There's loads of underground nights going on - especially compared to 10 or 15 years ago -there's lots of late night venues around the edge of the city centre in old workshops or warehouses. Just get a copy of Now Then or similar and look around on Facebook for stuff at


The Night Kitchen

Yellow Arch

Hope Works




plus stuff at the Harley and nights in the smaller room at Plug


On the live music side try the Big Wow, the Lug Hole, Audacious Art Experiment




Ah I have been to plot22 and it is great; some very tasty gabber nights on there over summer. Just the kind of grass roots vibe I was looking for but the events are few and far between so would be just the ticket if your other suggestions are on the same lines.


I actually went to harley last night for first time and it was and was pleasantly surprised by the good atmos and local clientele. Bassline has really kept itself going here eh? I find it interesting since when I was in bristol you would only get the odd trickle down there on mixtapes but here there are whole nights devoted to it. Not my number 1 music type but interesting nonetheless. Even in manchester it didn't trickle across apart from the odd tune. Cool to learn about this home grown genre.


I will look into those other ones. Maybe the other ones you mention just aren't advertised online or just not on the places I have looked and I wouldn't know about them otherwise since I am not connected.

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Bassline has really kept itself going here eh? I find it interesting since when I was in bristol you would only get the odd trickle down there on mixtapes but here there are whole nights devoted to it. Not my number 1 music type but interesting nonetheless. Even in manchester it didn't trickle across apart from the odd tune. Cool to learn about this home grown genre.



Its weird - 15/20 years ago there was no cross over between the underground/free party scene (which was very much techno & house based with the odd reggae sound system) and the niche scene. Where as now you'll get free party rigs playing bassline - i think its came back in to the underground scene via the general increase in bass music (dub/reggae/jungle systems).


What sort of music are you into? Maybe easier to point you in the right direction

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Its weird - 15/20 years ago there was no cross over between the underground/free party scene (which was very much techno & house based with the odd reggae sound system) and the niche scene. Where as now you'll get free party rigs playing bassline - i think its came back in to the underground scene via the general increase in bass music (dub/reggae/jungle systems).


What sort of music are you into? Maybe easier to point you in the right direction


I would say gabber is a guilty pleasure now days. Great for letting off steam. Happy hardcore is an old love but I think the latter would be even harder to find that the former nowdays :). Just general underground dance genres hard trance, Dnb etc.


The music type is the icing on the cake but, regardless of genre, I am currently most interested in just finding down to earth folks unlike the droves of soulless materialist cretins who flood west st and the centre every weekend.

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I would say gabber is a guilty pleasure now days. Great for letting off steam. Happy hardcore is an old love but I think the latter would be even harder to find that the former nowdays :). Just general underground dance genres hard trance, Dnb etc.


The music type is the icing on the cake but, regardless of genre, I am currently most interested in just finding down to earth folks unlike the droves of soulless materialist cretins who flood west st and the centre every weekend.


Not sure if you'll find much hard trance these days - it was a bit of a late 90s/early 00s thing. Nearest is probably Planet Zogg who are still at it 17 years down the line with do a mix of psy trance & techno with lots of UV at various venues including Plug, Night Kitchen & Yellow Arch.


If you like techno - lot of stuff on at Hope works - also check out Sheffield Techno Institute FB page for details of other shef techno night


D&B/Jungle - quite a few big nights at 02 academy - Congo Natty seems to be on there every other month! Tuesday Club at Uni has good line ups (tho full of students). Quite a few crews at different venues that mix up bass music including Roots & LSS.


And if you're after a full on mash up Off Me Nut does what it says on the tin!


Just try searching for any of those venues/events on Facebook and you'll come across details and no doubts ads for other places


Good luck :)

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  • 6 months later...
I would say gabber is a guilty pleasure now days. Great for letting off steam. Happy hardcore is an old love but I think the latter would be even harder to find that the former nowdays :). Just general underground dance genres hard trance, Dnb etc.


The music type is the icing on the cake but, regardless of genre, I am currently most interested in just finding down to earth folks unlike the droves of soulless materialist cretins who flood west st and the centre every weekend.


Record Junkee have regular gabber nights on- maybe check with them when the next one is? Might be a case of finding the promoter called The Hard Locker, and asking them when they as it's not always well advertised. Probably due to it being quite a specialist interest, so them being able to fill it without advertising.

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