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Tesco Muslim Christmas Ad, Outrage!

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So Tesco's Christmas Ad briefly features a bunch of women wearing hijabs and some people have completely lost their shoot over it.




Personally Christmas has nothing to do with any religion in my house so I couldn't give a hoot who wants to celebrate it.


I suppose it's only like last years John Lewis advert which featured a black family even though I have never seen a black person shopping there in the times that I have visited the shop.

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I suppose it's only like last years John Lewis advert which featured a black family even though I have never seen a black person shopping there in the times that I have visited the shop.


Not in Sheffield.


Probably do in places like London, Manchester and Birmingham though

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Christmas is a time when all nations and religions around the world come together to worship Santa.

Er, no it's not. It's a supposedly Christian activity (albeit of mostly pagan origins).

And even Christians of the trinitarian variety do not include worshipping 'Santa' in their theology.

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