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Dockless bike sharing scheme to launch in Sheffield

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It's not that hard to see and also to see what's going on.


That's fine, I usually don't look or focus on things like that.

Its non of my business.


If there is someone suspicious handing out stuff to homeless on edge of city last thing I do is check if the yellow bike has a lock on it or not. I cant see that from a distance.


But you can do it if you want.

Why do you get so investigative when you see other people dealing drugs?

These bikes have little to do with Sheffield's drugs or homeless situation.

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That's fine, I usually don't look or focus on things like that.

Its non of my business.


If there is someone suspicious handing out stuff to homeless on edge of city last thing I do is check if the yellow bike has a lock on it or not. I cant see that from a distance.


But you can do it if you want.

Why do you get so investigative when you see other people dealing drugs?

These bikes have little to do with Sheffield's drugs or homeless situation.


They probably aren't 'homeless'. There are very very few rough sleepers in Sheffield. Last check was under 20, which is very few spread across the city the size of Sheffield.


There are however a LOT of people who will tell you they are homeless - they aren't.


It's actually very hard NOT to be housed here. There is a good system set up, and there is really very few reasons to be homeless here.


Please don't be fooled.

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the locks dont seem to be broken.

they seem to be missing.


It's just a few security bolts. If you have the right tool the lock will come away from the frame with ease.


If the metal lock is also through the wheel I guess that probably needs grinding / sawing off.


I might have got into the scheme had the bikes been better designed. The seat doesn't go high enough (and I'm not particularly tall) and the easiest gear is nowhere near easy enough for some of Sheffields hills.

Edited by alsatian
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I've never used one of these bikes, but I noticed that there's one curiously tucked away out of sight at the back of my workplace. Thought it was a bit weird and downloaded the app and it doesn't actually detect this bike even when I stand right next to it (it shows others nearby). Doesn't seem to be a lock on it so I suspect it may be being used by local ne'er do wells so I might ride it away and leave it in a public place to annoy them. I'd ride it back to my car but it's mostly uphill so forget that!

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The scheme is very well designed. so well in fact that OFO are upping the amount of bikes in sheffied


dont forget, these bikes are mass made down to the lowest possible spec. i would guestimate the manufacture cost of under a tenner.

they really dont care if a bunch of them get mashed by idiots.


So well that they don't care about one I've reported to them as being abandoned and lock free


Am I supposed to now just go and dump it?

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Why bother doing anything with it?




However some of these bikes are left in places where it looks like litter.

Even when bikes with locks are left after being used properly, they can be left in stupid places.

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