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Dockless bike sharing scheme to launch in Sheffield

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I think a lot of us would agree.


Yes defiantly agree.


Not helped when the police originally said they would not get involved in collecting the vandalised bikes which although I understand was not the best thing to say publicly as it implies they are not interested in abuse of the bikes,although they now say they will investigate vandalism I wonder how often that will happen.

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Not helped when the police originally said they would not get involved in collecting the vandalised bikes


Nor should they.


I pay my council tax to pay for the police to prevent and detect crime, not act as an unofficial subcontractor to a private firm. What SYP have said is that if OFO provide them with evidence of a crime they will prosecute, where possible.

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No, not a great advert for Sheffield. My feeling is that being too tolerant of low level crime and anti social behavior is allowing it to fester and get worse.


I agree with that.


Quote "Ch Insp Stuart Walne, of South Yorkshire Police, said: "We won't tolerate crime and vandalism in Sheffield and will do all we can to bring prosecutions."


Who is he trying to fool? its the usual kidology, put effort into spin rather than action, you can fool some of the citizens some of the time but....


As many of us are subject to crime or close to people that are and see no justice executed except a getting a patronizing letter of victim support, you loose any confidence.


If we have to accept limited criminal prosecution rather than not bother at all with low level crime like burglary and advertise the fact. So thief's are arrogantly sticking two fingers up to you or even threatening when confronted as they know they will not get any appropriate punishment. I would prefer at least a portion of all crimes investigated and perpetrator adequately prosecuted. So at least the criminals can fear a "lottery" chance of prosecution with plenty of publicity that would hopefully send a message to the ever increasing criminal society.

Basically no such thing as "accepted crime" just less likely to be punished.

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I would prefer at least a portion of all crimes investigated and perpetrator adequately prosecuted.


As with everything, it is a question of resources.


With many crimes now, if there is no prospect of prosecution then a report will be 'filed' more or less straight away. Most incidents of criminal damage are filed if they weren't independently witnessed or caught on CCTv. Even if you know who the perpetrator is, unless there is evidence which meets the threshold, whatever the police want to do, the CPS won't prosecute.


Without an unlimited budget, the police must prioritise what is and isn't investigated. Investigating anything which has no prospect of ending in a prosecution just takes resources away from other areas of policing.

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OFO bikes are soon to be OFOrgotten it seems.


Here's poem, in memory:


Yellow bikes on the street,

A grisly end, most did meet.

Sent by the Chinese, to make some money

The people of Sheffield found trashing them funny


Now they're junk, littering the city

And no one wants to ride them- what a pity.

If only they'd made them look slightly less naff

Perhaps lobbing them in a river wouldn't seem such a laff?


So, it may come to be that from OFO, Sheffield soon will be free

Unlike the hiring, which for an hour was 50p.

Unless of course you used a hammer to remove the lock,

In which case you can cycle round and round the block.


Farewell then OFO, it's not really been much fun

To see your rubbishy bikes lying smashed in the sun.

The city will continue, much as it did before

Travelling by ramshackle buses, whose prices have risen once more!

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As with everything, it is a question of resources.


With many crimes now, if there is no prospect of prosecution then a report will be 'filed' more or less straight away. Most incidents of criminal damage are filed if they weren't independently witnessed or caught on CCTv. Even if you know who the perpetrator is, unless there is evidence which meets the threshold, whatever the police want to do, the CPS won't prosecute.


Without an unlimited budget, the police must prioritise what is and isn't investigated. Investigating anything which has no prospect of ending in a prosecution just takes resources away from other areas of policing.


Point taken. But in the long term, tolerating low level crime and anti social behaviour will create more and more problems. Some petty criminals and anti social louts move on to more serious crime because they not punished. Young people see things like vandalism go unpunished....It might seem like a poor use of resources to prosecute for minor offences but is it really in the long term?

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OFO bikes are soon to be OFOrgotten it seems.


Here's poem, in memory:


Yellow bikes on the street,

A grisly end, most did meet.

Sent by the Chinese, to make some money

The people of Sheffield found trashing them funny


Now they're junk, littering the city

And no one wants to ride them- what a pity.

If only they'd made them look slightly less naff

Perhaps lobbing them in a river wouldn't seem such a laff?


So, it may come to be that from OFO, Sheffield soon will be free

Unlike the hiring, which for an hour was 50p.

Unless of course you used a hammer to remove the lock,

In which case you can cycle round and round the block.


Farewell then OFO, it's not really been much fun

To see your rubbishy bikes lying smashed in the sun.

The city will continue, much as it did before

Travelling by ramshackle buses, whose prices have risen once more!


I like the poem. But the buses aren't ramshackle. The ones up our end are quite new and in good condition. Expensive though, £2 for a mile up the road FFFFFFF!

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It might seem like a poor use of resources to prosecute for minor offences but is it really in the long term?


I totally agree, but unfortunately that is the situation we are in now. The only way out is more resources and ultimately that means more money. The same with the health service. We either take the money from somewhere else or we raise taxes to fund it.


In the last three elections, the people of the U.K. have repeatedly voted for an unashamedly tax cutting, austerity government.


So as harsh as it may seem, we are as much to blame as anyone for the situation. Ironically, those who benefit most from tax cutting and austerity are never likely to see the effects of this unless they watch one of the countless C4, Channel Five or ITV 'Nightmare neighbour, chav, benefit cheat Britain' programmes.


We reap what we sow.

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Is it just me or is it only teenage boys who seem to use them?


In the short time that they've been out I don't think I've seen anyone over the age of 14 riding one.



In recent weeks I’ve seen at least three older riders of ofos. One bloke who could well have been a pensioner, and a male/female couple looking around mid 30s. What attracted my attention was that all three were riding bikes without trackers/locks.


One of the worst wrecked ofos I’ve seen was outside Lidl on Chesterfield Road – caked in mud and looking like someone had tried to twist each of the wheels into a figure of eight. In this case, the tracker was still attached, but only just.

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