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Farage backs down in libel case

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Still getting a laugh as he still shows himself up on a regular basis,the biggest one would have been to see him 'run' a country though.


Would he really have done any worse than the corrupt and undemocratic Commissioners who run the EU?

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I'm so sorry, did I forget to join the lefty 'love in' and not make a 'Nasty Nigel' statement .... bless :roll:


---------- Post added 16-11-2017 at 17:37 ----------



You do realise the country voted to Leave the EU though don't you ..... you can thank Mr Farage for that if you want :D


No I won't thank Farage for it. I'll thank those campaigners who resisted the urge to rely on people's base instincts of racism and bigotry to encourage the voters to support their cause.

Farage, being inarticulate and rather unpleasant wasn't able to do that. So I won't thank him.

And perhaps people voted the way they did in spite of Farage, not because of him.

Anyway, my point still stands. He's been rejected by the British electorate for the House of Commons 7 times. That should tell you all you need to know.

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Would he really have done any worse than the corrupt and undemocratic Commissioners who run the EU?


Can you list all the corrupt things they have done alongside the names of the commissioners who did them?,just so people know what you are talking about.

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Unless, despite all the handwringing from the remoaners, the economy flourishes and we become a healthy, wealthy Europe free independent country.

But then again you would all still find something to cry about.


I’m not crying. You will be.

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Would he really have done any worse than the corrupt and undemocratic Commissioners who run the EU?


The commissioners who are directed by and answer to the elected representatives? Are those the ones you're talking about?


Another one of Nigel's lies which idiots lapped up because they were too ignorant and lazy to check up on.

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The commissioners who are directed by and answer to the elected representatives? Are those the ones you're talking about?


I'm writing about the EU Commission, which is composed of 28 unelected commissioners - who cannot be held to account by EU voters. Perhaps you mean the Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, who is the only member of the Commission to be personally elected by the fig leaf European Parliament? However, the EU Commission demanded that his was the only name on the ballot paper, and the EU Parliament meekly obeyed.


As for the Commission being 'directed by and answerable to the EU Parliament' this is simply laughable. All the power of the EU is with the Commission.


Another one of Nigel's lies which idiots lapped up because they were too ignorant and lazy to check up on.


The EU Commission's attitude towards democracy and voter accountability:


"If it's a Yes, we will say 'on we go', and if it's a No we will say 'we continue'."


"There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties".

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I'm writing about the EU Commission, which is composed of 28 unelected commissioners - who cannot be held to account by EU voters. Perhaps you mean the Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, who is the only member of the Commission to be personally elected by the fig leaf European Parliament? However, the EU Commission demanded that his was the only name on the ballot paper, and the EU Parliament meekly obeyed.


As for the Commission being 'directed by and answerable to the EU Parliament' this is simply laughable. All the power of the EU is with the Commission.




The EU Commission's attitude towards democracy and voter accountability:


"If it's a Yes, we will say 'on we go', and if it's a No we will say 'we continue'."


"There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties".

talking out of your arse again




seems perfectly reasonable to me


WE vote for the MEPS who make up the parliament, THEY vote on who they want on the commission, as head of the commision and president of their parliament

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Unless, despite all the handwringing from the remoaners, the economy flourishes and we become a healthy, wealthy Europe free independent country.


how likely is that to happen please, bearing in mind we have a Tory government in disarray who are also our chief Brexit negotiators?


Even Sir Nige’ has been uncharacteristicly quiet for several weeks. It’s not like him at all, to not be sniping from the sidelines whenever the issue of EU membership is raised.


Do you possibly think that, at this moment in time, despite everything Sir Nige’ promised us, that Brexit isn’t the financial or political success it was supposed to be?


I’m not gonna say “I told you so” so I’ll leave it there and eagerly await your reply.

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