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Alcohol, Minimum Unit Pricing.

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Looks like Scotland is about to bring alcohol unit pricing in then. Will it do what it is designed to do, reduce alcoholism. I have doubts, but of course the most affected will be the lower end of society who have little money. The middle classes and the wealthy will carry on as normal, so all's well then.



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It will have absolutely no effect on alcoholism.


Will it have any negative effects on anyone? So it worth trying.


I support it, raising the price of tabaco and cigarettes did make people give up the habit, the same with alcohol.

A good one to do the same with is gambling, can we help those addicts?

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can we agree that there are at least 2 different problems:


1) alcoholism


2) people drinking more than is healthy




the minimum-pricing policy addresses problem no2, let's see if it has any effect...

only for the poorer in society, the rich can carry on as if nothing has happened, the mps can carry on supping gallons of booze for free that we the tax payer pays for

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can we agree that there are at least 2 different problems:


1) alcoholism


2) people drinking more than is healthy




the minimum-pricing policy addresses problem no2, let's see if it has any effect...



Lots of people saying it won't affect Group 1. I agree, they'll find the money somehow.


But the people in Group 1 all used to be part of Group 2 at some point back down the line. If we can stop the transition for some people, then it's worth a try.

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Will it have any negative effects on anyone? So it worth trying.


I support it, raising the price of tabaco and cigarettes did make people give up the habit, the same with alcohol.

A good one to do the same with is gambling, can we help those addicts?


I don't. Nothing should be rationed by price because it discriminates against people on low incomes.

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only for the poorer in society...


i'm not poor, nor am i an alcoholic.


but if i see A) 12 bottles of beer for £12, vs B) 15 bottles of beer for £12, i know which one i will buy...


and if i have 15 bottles of beer, then i'm going to drink 15 bottles of beer


(not in one go, but a week or 2)


multiply my experience, by an adult population of ~60million, and then multiply that by a lifetime of drinking an additional 3 bottles of beer a week, and the effect on the nations health could be huge.


(if i drink those 3 bottles in 1 evening, am i likely to get up early and take the dog out for a long walk? or sit on the sofa till 11 eating bacon sandwiches?)

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