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The magic petrol tablet!

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I the early to mid 80's there was a short documentary film produced for Canadian television called 'Bates Car: Sweet As A Nut' about a British inventor who made a car that ran on.....well....erm.... chicken s**t!


The idea was that this raw material gave off methane gas, which was collected to power the car.


The reason I remember this was that one day I was on a coach trip and where we were having a picnic at the side of the road a TV crew were filming. Then one day during the school holidays a couple of years later this program came on ITV in the morning (long before normal daytime telly) and I was amazed to suddenly see a camera on top of a hill pan around to show our coach and me eating a sandwich!!!!


Apparently the car passed us! But as it only looked like a normal car from the outside I never noticed it. As a small boy I was far too interested in the TV camera!


Over the years there have been many alternative fuelled vehicles. But has been suggested earlier in this thread, our government and the oil companies always manage to ensure they never see the light of day.

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there are many different methods to power cars aside from petrol - but then if your car is running on a water based derivative, wheres the profit in that unless the purchase price of the car is topping £70,000 (of which 80% is govt tax!!!)


Many of the big car companies have made engines which run on hydrogen etc (BMW did a world tour with their 12 7-series BMW's running on hydrogen).


Until they can work out a method of how to **** the public with that aswell, looks like petrol/diesel will be the fuel of tomorrow for a long time to come.

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  • 3 months later...
Originally posted by uncleheed

Has anyone else heard the story about the magic petrol tablet that was supposed to have been invented in Sheffield in the 60's or 70's?


I heard that a man from Sheffield invented a tablet that he put in a car with a tank full of water and then added his tablet and the car ran around an airfield for a day. He then marketed it to the oil companies,and ESSO or BP showed an interest.

Then when he struck a deal,no-one heard any more about the tablet.

When i first heard the tale i thought it was cobblers,but when you think about it,the oil companies would want it swept under the carpet wouldn't they?

dont know who invented them but i have used them to make my petrol last longer the car i had was an old vauxhall limersin did ten miles to the gallon petrol was short in them days

soon got rid

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In the mid 50/s as a teenager i worked at a garage on West St serving petrol one day, I was handed what I thought was sweet popped it into my mouth but quickly spit it out when the customer told me that it was to go in the fuel tank, it was some petrol addiitive peddled at the time.

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Originally posted by uncleheed

Has anyone else heard the story about the magic petrol tablet that was supposed to have been invented in Sheffield in the 60's or 70's?


I heard that a man from Sheffield invented a tablet that he put in a car with a tank full of water and then added his tablet and the car ran around an airfield for a day. He then marketed it to the oil companies,and ESSO or BP showed an interest.

Then when he struck a deal,no-one heard any more about the tablet.

When i first heard the tale i thought it was cobblers,but when you think about it,the oil companies would want it swept under the carpet wouldn't they?


i always thought bus drivers were a bit simple:)

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  • 3 years later...
Has anyone else heard the story about the magic petrol tablet that was supposed to have been invented in Sheffield in the 60's or 70's?


I heard that a man from Sheffield invented a tablet that he put in a car with a tank full of water and then added his tablet and the car ran around an airfield for a day. He then marketed it to the oil companies,and ESSO or BP showed an interest.

Then when he struck a deal,no-one heard any more about the tablet.

When i first heard the tale i thought it was cobblers,but when you think about it,the oil companies would want it swept under the carpet wouldn't they?

yes i once bought some to put in my petrol

only did ten per gallon it was a big old vauxhall limo spare wheels on the front wings

it would pull house side down

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Yes there's been a lot of " inventions '" which produce energy for free. One I remember came from Australia. It was a stainless steel tank which you filled with water and connected two leads to it from your battery which in turn drove a DC motor forever.


Farmers used manure to produce methane gas to power their cars during the war.

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I've heard this about a car that runs on water somewhere before. I'm pretty sure it did actually exist, but both the oil companies AND the government (who take about £8 for every £10 you spend on fuel in tax) would no doubt like to keep it quiet.


i did not run on water what you did was have drip fitted on your carb

let it drip in while the car was running

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Yes there's been a lot of " inventions '" which produce energy for free. One I remember came from Australia. It was a stainless steel tank which you filled with water and connected two leads to it from your battery which in turn drove a DC motor forever.


Farmers used manure to produce methane gas to power their cars during the war.

yes it was pig manure

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