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Sy police drug crime


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No, I’m unsure how you train someone to be observant, and wondering if you are actually sure they get trained in this.


Awareness training is used widely in law enforcement and security firms. To think you cannot be trained to spot things more efficiently seems to be a little ridiculous. I'm sure agencies like the FBI are well trained in situational awareness and observational skills.


Everyone and their mom is growing cannabis at the moment, the public are starting to realise that they have been fed misinformation about cannabis for years and years. With the the internet being so accessible and the legalisation of cannabis in America, it was only a matter of time before we saw a rise in growers and users.


My problem is that our government seems to want to turn a blind eye. At the moment, the consequences of getting caught far outweigh the negative physical effects of smoking weed. It's stupid to keep criminalising people for wanting to smoke a joint and relax at home on saturday. We know that plenty of professionals use it in their free time without detriment to their work capacity. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, the guy who services your car. Criminal offences can badly damage career prospects for certain people and I think it's a bit heavy handed for growing 2 plants for personal use.


I think regulating the sale on cannabis would be the best move. As it is, hundreds of millions of £££s are going to gangs through the sale of cannabis. A legal cannabis market would generate huge tax revenues, create jobs and free up prison cells taken by people who have been caught in possession 3 times. It would largely remove criminal gangs from the equation. It would also mean that users will be fully informed about what they're smoking, with THC % and CBD% ratings.


The American system seems to be a decent model to use, whereby adults over 18 can apply for a either a medical or recreational license to buy. It would, of course, still be an offence to drive or operate heavy machinery whilst under the influence. Using the licensing system, we could limit weekly purchases and take measures to prevent cannabis being sold on to under 18s.


It's about time we had a sensible look at cannabis. The war on drugs is lost, it doesn't matter how much money the government throws at it. Maybe it's time to legalise this fairly benign drug and tackle other issues that cause people to use harder drugs. Just my opinion tho fam

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As with tobacco the cheap illegal suppliers will prosper and the legitimate growers will not be able to compete, so this ends up back to the beginning just different charges like mixing the product with any old weed ,stealing services, unsafe practices and of course not paying the inevitable tax.

Crooks will always manipulate the system.

The measures that stop under 18s drinking are laughable

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