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MPs vote 'that animals cannot feel pain or emotions' into the Brexit b

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Call me cynical, but I sent a letter to my MP over the slaughter of animals by Halal and Shechita. A cruel, illegal and barbaric method in my opinion. I did receive a reply that it was been looked into by the relevant body, DEFRA.


But now this vote has been taken, the above two methods of dispatch will be classed as satisfactory, after all if the animal cannot feel pain or emotion, slitting it's throat must be ok.


NOT in my book, never can be and never will be if I had my way. Is this our spineless Government pandering to the ethnic minority, seems that way to me.



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Call me cynical, but I sent a letter to my MP over the slaughter of animals by Halal and Shechita. A cruel, illegal and barbaric method in my opinion. I did receive a reply that it was been looked into by the relevant body, DEFRA.


But now this vote has been taken, the above two methods of dispatch will be classed as satisfactory, after all if the animal cannot feel pain or emotion, slitting it's throat must be ok.


NOT in my book, never can be and never will be if I had my way. Is this our spineless Government pandering to the ethnic minority, seems that way to me.




Is this the conclusion in the DEFRA report ? Or your conclusion?

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Call me cynical, but I sent a letter to my MP over the slaughter of animals by Halal and Shechita. A cruel, illegal and barbaric method in my opinion. I did receive a reply that it was been looked into by the relevant body, DEFRA.


But now this vote has been taken, the above two methods of dispatch will be classed as satisfactory, after all if the animal cannot feel pain or emotion, slitting it's throat must be ok.


NOT in my book, never can be and never will be if I had my way. Is this our spineless Government pandering to the ethnic minority, seems that way to me.




My bold=

I will call you a hypocritical bigot!

If you don't like cruelty to animals then why eat meat in the first place?

Halal or shechita is not a cruel method of slaughter either so maybe read up and educate yourself properly instead of listening to Tommy Robinson and Britain first bull crap. :rant:

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Don't get distracted by Halal.

The point is that the Tories don't believe that animals can feel pain or emotion.


Personally I don't think that tories can feel emotion, and I'd like to test whether they can feel pain or not. Perhaps it should also be legal to hunt tories with dogs...

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Don't get distracted by Halal.

The point is that the Tories don't believe that animals can feel pain or emotion.


Personally I don't think that tories can feel emotion, and I'd like to test whether they can feel pain or not. Perhaps it should also be legal to hunt tories with dogs...


Absolute nonsense.


"Voting against the amendment was not a vote against the idea that animals are sentient and feel pain - that is a misconception.


“Ministers explained on the floor of the house that this Government’s policies on animal welfare are driven by our recognition that animals are indeed sentient beings and we are acting energetically to reduce the risk of harm to animals – whether on farms or in the wild.


"The vote against New Clause 30 was the rejection of a faulty amendment, which would not have achieved its stated aims of providing appropriate protection for animals."


https://www.newscientist.com/article/2154265-no-the-uk-didnt-vote-that-animals-cant-feel-pain-or-emotion/ (behind paywall, sorry)







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Call me cynical, but I sent a letter to my MP over the slaughter of animals by Halal and Shechita. A cruel, illegal and barbaric method in my opinion. I did receive a reply that it was been looked into by the relevant body, DEFRA.


hypocrite :rolleyes:

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Guest makapaka
Absolute nonsense.


"Voting against the amendment was not a vote against the idea that animals are sentient and feel pain - that is a misconception.


“Ministers explained on the floor of the house that this Government’s policies on animal welfare are driven by our recognition that animals are indeed sentient beings and we are acting energetically to reduce the risk of harm to animals – whether on farms or in the wild.


"The vote against New Clause 30 was the rejection of a faulty amendment, which would not have achieved its stated aims of providing appropriate protection for animals."


https://www.newscientist.com/article/2154265-no-the-uk-didnt-vote-that-animals-cant-feel-pain-or-emotion/ (behind paywall, sorry)








Absolutely this.


I’m no fan of the tories but this was just jumped on by various twitterati and it’s not the case that they have said animals don’t have feelings.

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