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MPs vote 'that animals cannot feel pain or emotions' into the Brexit b

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Absolutely this.


I’m no fan of the tories but this was just jumped on by various twitterati and it’s not the case that they have said animals don’t have feelings.






I think Gove is right on this, and to highlight the dangers of the trend to take what is posted on social media as gospel, without actually understanding the issue at all (which this thread has illustrated..)


The article also mentions the animals issue, which might be worth highlighting here..


He said: "Once we have left the EU there is even more we could do. EU rules prevent us from restricting or banning the live export of animals for slaughter.


"EU rules also restrict us from cracking down on puppy smuggling or banning the import of puppies under 6 months.


"Article 13 has not stopped any of these practices – but leaving the EU gives us the chance to do much better. We hope to say more in these areas next year."


He has previously said he is “very attracted to the idea” of banning ”the live export of animals over the sea”.

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My bold=

I will call you a hypocritical bigot!

If you don't like cruelty to animals then why eat meat in the first place?

Halal or shechita is not a cruel method of slaughter either so maybe read up and educate yourself properly instead of listening to Tommy Robinson and Britain first bull crap. :rant:


I'm a vegetarian and i find slitting an animals throat and letting them hang there to bleed to death unbearably upsetting.. It was on a holiday in Greece when i was 12yrs old that made me stop eating meat by seeing a lamb hung on a pole, struggling and crying and a woman just slit it's throat... The noises and the twitching made me cry for a very long time, even after the holiday..


I also DO NOT condone quick mass slaughter in abattoirs either!

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This item has just been discussed on Daily Politics, good news is that it is FAKE NEWS. So the battle to end the barbaric act of Halal and Shechita continues.


I must apologise to our members of Parliament on this occasion for believing the article I read on social media.




---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 13:21 ----------


Is this the conclusion in the DEFRA report ? Or your conclusion?


FALSE NEWS posted on social media.




---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 13:31 ----------


My bold=

I will call you a hypocritical bigot!

If you don't like cruelty to animals then why eat meat in the first place?

Halal or shechita is not a cruel method of slaughter either so maybe read up and educate yourself properly instead of listening to Tommy Robinson and Britain first bull crap. :rant:


I hope I only eat meat that is despatched with the method approved, ie stunned and unconcious before death. Not by some barbaric act stemming from the dark ages. I would like you to explain to me and the readers, how slitting the throat of a sentient animal and watching it slowly bleed to death is NOT cruel and barbaric.




---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 13:33 ----------


hypocrite :rolleyes:





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I think Gove is right on this, and to highlight the dangers of the trend to take what is posted on social media as gospel, without actually understanding the issue at all (which this thread has illustrated..)


The article also mentions the animals issue, which might be worth highlighting here..


He said: "Once we have left the EU there is even more we could do. EU rules prevent us from restricting or banning the live export of animals for slaughter.


"EU rules also restrict us from cracking down on puppy smuggling or banning the import of puppies under 6 months.


"Article 13 has not stopped any of these practices – but leaving the EU gives us the chance to do much better. We hope to say more in these areas next year."


He has previously said he is “very attracted to the idea” of banning ”the live export of animals over the sea”.


Unfortunately going on their current record I strongly believe that none of this will see the light of day. They could have accepted the current proposal for now and work on an alternative in the meantime, but instead they remove yet another law that stood in the way of profits. Quelle surprise.


---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 13:53 ----------


I would like you to explain to me and the readers, how slitting the throat of a sentient animal and watching it slowly bleed to death is NOT cruel and barbaric.



I would like you to explain to me and the readers, how eating an animal you after it has been kept in conditions designed to maximise profit over animal welfare of a sentient animal is NOT cruel and barbaric.

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The way halal kill is definitely more painful.


More painful then what? Engage your brain before replying as most halal meat is stunned before slaughter whereas in shechita slaughter stunning is not allowed. :roll:

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My bold=

I will call you a hypocritical bigot!

If you don't like cruelty to animals then why eat meat in the first place?

Halal or shechita is not a cruel method of slaughter either so maybe read up and educate yourself properly instead of listening to Tommy Robinson and Britain first bull crap. :rant:


Cruel and unnecessary in the 21st century.

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I think Gove is right on this, and to highlight the dangers of the trend to take what is posted on social media as gospel, without actually understanding the issue at all (which this thread has illustrated..)


The article also mentions the animals issue, which might be worth highlighting here..


He said: "Once we have left the EU there is even more we could do. EU rules prevent us from restricting or banning the live export of animals for slaughter.


"EU rules also restrict us from cracking down on puppy smuggling or banning the import of puppies under 6 months.


"Article 13 has not stopped any of these practices – but leaving the EU gives us the chance to do much better. We hope to say more in these areas next year."


He has previously said he is “very attracted to the idea” of banning ”the live export of animals over the sea”.


I'm glad to hear this, but I have to agree with Sgt Kate, I'll believe it when I see it.


But Can I ask a genuine question re Brexit. If it's so easy to reject an EU law with a view to rewriting it later with your own additions, or pick and chose which laws you are going to adhere to, why can we not adopt a similar approach to much of the trade negotiations?

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Don't get distracted by Halal.

The point is that the Tories don't believe that animals can feel pain or emotion.


Personally I don't think that tories can feel emotion, and I'd like to test whether they can feel pain or not. Perhaps it should also be legal to hunt tories with dogs...


Oh dear oh dear.


Sue Perkins made a fool of herself with this as well. :hihi:

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Don't get distracted by Halal.

The point is that the Tories don't believe that animals can feel pain or emotion.


Personally I don't think that tories can feel emotion, and I'd like to test whether they can feel pain or not. Perhaps it should also be legal to hunt tories with dogs...


Well said Cyclone ?? couldn't agree more!

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Unfortunately going on their current record I strongly believe that none of this will see the light of day. They could have accepted the current proposal for now and work on an alternative in the meantime, but instead they remove yet another law that stood in the way of profits. Quelle surprise.


---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 13:53 ----------




I would like you to explain to me and the readers, how eating an animal you after it has been kept in conditions designed to maximise profit over animal welfare of a sentient animal is NOT cruel and barbaric.


Thankfully living in the sticks my two local butchers can trace their meats back to source, each animal has its own passport. So you could say I do my best to scoff proper meat. Fowl are classed as free range, which actually means they have large sheds to run around, not caged in any way. Hope this helps you in some small way.




---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 21:15 ----------


More painful then what? Engage your brain before replying as most halal meat is stunned before slaughter whereas in shechita slaughter stunning is not allowed. :roll:


Where did you get that fairy story from, as I have told you before I have 2 mates who work in two abattoirs in Bradford. I COULD post video of the sick and illegal Halal method of killing animals. But no doubt if I did I would suffer a ban from this forum. I have told you this before, but it appears not to have sunk in, I expect you would still deny the depraved act of Halal goes on what ever I post, and saying MOST Halal is stunned, shows you BELIEVE some are not stunned, stop digging, the hole you are in is getting bigger and bigger.


Therefore, you carry on believing Halal is not cruel and depraved in any way, and I will carry on exposing it at every chance I get. Likewise with Shechita.




---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 21:17 ----------


More painful then what? Engage your brain before replying as most halal meat is stunned before slaughter whereas in shechita slaughter stunning is not allowed. :roll:


No it's not, you are telling TALL stories and expecting folk to swallow them.



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