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MPs vote 'that animals cannot feel pain or emotions' into the Brexit b

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Oh dear oh dear.


Sue Perkins made a fool of herself with this as well. :hihi:


Here you are, some more who were fooled by the FAKE NEWS.


Analysis shows 2 million people have seen articles and tweets about the Tories voting against animal sentience

155,157 signed a Change.org petition repeating the claim

263,476 signed another petition on 38 Degrees

43,081 signed a third petition on ThePetitionSite

Nearly 30,000 have signed smaller petitions (that’s almost 500,000 overall)

Sue Perkins shared it with her 1 million followers

Rachel Riley shared it with her 510,000 followers

Ben Fogle shared it with his 336,000 followers

Caroline Lucas shared it with her 276,000 followers

The RSPCA tweeted it out to their 248,000 followers

Just one problem. It is fake news…


Seems a lot more and better educated people than me were sucked in.



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More painful then what? Engage your brain before replying as most halal meat is stunned before slaughter whereas in shechita slaughter stunning is not allowed. :roll:


Genuinely confused by this . You say in Shechita slaughter ,stunning is not allowed but in post 4 you said halal and shechita slaughter is not cruel

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My bold=

I will call you a hypocritical bigot!

If you don't like cruelty to animals then why eat meat in the first place?

Halal or shechita is not a cruel method of slaughter either so maybe read up and educate yourself properly instead of listening to Tommy Robinson and Britain first bull crap. :rant:


Yes it is , but it is tolerated in this country because of political correctness .


---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 21:34 ----------


Call me cynical, but I sent a letter to my MP over the slaughter of animals by Halal and Shechita. A cruel, illegal and barbaric method in my opinion. I did receive a reply that it was been looked into by the relevant body, DEFRA.


But now this vote has been taken, the above two methods of dispatch will be classed as satisfactory, after all if the animal cannot feel pain or emotion, slitting it's throat must be ok.


NOT in my book, never can be and never will be if I had my way. Is this our spineless Government pandering to the ethnic minority, seems that way to me.



Of course it is .

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Guest makapaka
Genuinely confused by this . You say in Shechita slaughter ,stunning is not allowed but in post 4 you said halal and shechita slaughter is not cruel


Unless you’re a vegetarian why are you bothered about how a dead animal arrives on your plate?


---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 22:17 ----------


Yes it is , but it is tolerated in this country because of political correctness .


---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 21:34 ----------



Of course it is .


Are you a vegetarian? If not what’s your problem? You’re the one giving the demand for the killing of an animal.

Edited by makapaka
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Unless you’re a vegetarian why are you bothered about how a dead animal arrives on your plate?


---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 22:17 ----------



Are you a vegetarian? If not what’s your problem? You’re the one giving the demand for the killing of an animal.


What sort of question is that? :loopy: I was confused and interested in what Mafya posted . If you can help fair enough ,if not don't be rude

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Guest makapaka
What sort of question is that? :loopy: I was confused and interested in what Mafya posted . If you can help fair enough ,if not don't be rude


I double posted on Penistones post.

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My bold=

I will call you a hypocritical bigot!

If you don't like cruelty to animals then why eat meat in the first place?

Halal or shechita is not a cruel method of slaughter either so maybe read up and educate yourself properly instead of listening to Tommy Robinson and Britain first bull crap. :rant:


You should become a vegetarian if you care about animal welfare so much.


Personally I prefer my meat butchered without a little prayer played over the tannoy as the blood spatters everywhere while the other animals watch their brethren being slaughtered. But if you must have your bizarre medieval rituals then at least have the decency to stun the animal first.

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