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Depression-how I feel

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Apologies in advance for a long post...


So we are in the process of moving house. We have had no choice in having to move house and only had 2 months to do so. Our landlord wants to sell.


I moved to Sheffield 13yrs ago from a nearby local town, left my family and friends behind, met new friends, met my hubby to be, and then got married to him 8yrs ago.


About 3 months ago when we knew we needed a new house, we couldnt find anything affordable in our local area. So we ended up 2 weeks ago signing a new rental for one back in my old family town where I lived 13yrs ago. Weve started to decorate and will move in in a few weeks.


The problem is I feel sooooooo depressed (I suffer with depression and anxiety anyway and I am on medication for this). I feel like by moving back to my old town that I moving backwards in life and not forward like you are supposed to! I also have zero desire to be any closer to my family than I am now, this move puts me 10 minutes away, in my head Australia wouldnt be far enough! Too many emotional demons! (Although my husband tells me, and I know he is right, it doesnt matter where I move, my family issues will follow me in my head whether I live next door or another country!!!)


I just feel so depressed!!!!

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When you change to another general practitioner, ask for a referral to the local mental health team. Hopefully they will be able to help you. Look for things to do as you need to occupy your mind. Voluntary work might be useful. It is no good sitting at home and dwelling on your misfortune. This house move could be a good thing, especially if it helps you to come to terms with your past - facing up to things can be therapeutic.

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Remember, it will pass , nothing is permanent. If moving back to your old town makes you feel worse and compounds your depression, could you not think medium term of returning to Sheffield ?


---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 09:59 ----------


Depression is temporary unhappiness, but can be severe and miserable


---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 10:06 ----------


When you change to another general practitioner, ask for a referral to the local mental health team. Hopefully they will be able to help you. Look for things to do as you need to occupy your mind. Voluntary work might be useful. It is no good sitting at home and dwelling on your misfortune. This house move could be a good thing, especially if it helps you to come to terms with your past - facing up to things can be therapeutic.


Voluntary work’s a good idea

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AmberLeaf - your mental health team may be ‘useless’ but this lady is moving to a different area and they might well be quite good. This negative attitude is the crux of the problem. These people can help but it is a two way process. You cannot expect them to wave a magic wand and make you better. There are many people who are very ill indeed and have good reason to be depressed but soldier on. As a carer of such a person I don’t have time to be depressed or even think about myself! It might be an unfashionable view but my advice is to get out, be busy and think about others rather than oneself.

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Apologies in advance for a long post...


So we are in the process of moving house. We have had no choice in having to move house and only had 2 months to do so. Our landlord wants to sell.


I moved to Sheffield 13yrs ago from a nearby local town, left my family and friends behind, met new friends, met my hubby to be, and then got married to him 8yrs ago.


About 3 months ago when we knew we needed a new house, we couldnt find anything affordable in our local area. So we ended up 2 weeks ago signing a new rental for one back in my old family town where I lived 13yrs ago. Weve started to decorate and will move in in a few weeks.


The problem is I feel sooooooo depressed (I suffer with depression and anxiety anyway and I am on medication for this). I feel like by moving back to my old town that I moving backwards in life and not forward like you are supposed to! I also have zero desire to be any closer to my family than I am now, this move puts me 10 minutes away, in my head Australia wouldnt be far enough! Too many emotional demons! (Although my husband tells me, and I know he is right, it doesnt matter where I move, my family issues will follow me in my head whether I live next door or another country!!!)


I just feel so depressed!!!!


Your husband is absolutely right, no matter where in the world you are, your demons will unfortunately be with you.. Keep on taking your medication, try your best to be strong, maybe you're going to have to be stronger than ever before! but you'll be OK.. Try to make the decorating a therapeutic exercise and make the inside of your home a place where you feel relaxed and at peace and forget about what's outside that door until you're ready to face it! Pretend you're in Australia if you want!! Dont forget, you can always move again at a later date when something more suited crops up.. The worlds your oyster :)


Look after yourself and dont let the ******** get you down

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Good advice in the previous post.

OP - you have a good husband, a roof over your head and hopefully good physical health. These are real blessings and something to cherish. Look on this as a fresh start. Do not to dwell on the future and things that might never happen. Take one day at a time.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” (Bill Keane)

Hopefully you will settle and be happy in your new home.

Edited by Jomie
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Totally agree with the previous comments. Also this change isn't permanent and keep looking forward to when you can move back to your dream home in Sheffield. Work towards that goal and try to focus on it when your depression hits. I suffer too and I know how hard it is to keep away those demons when they really start chatting to you. If your GP isn't great with mental health referrals maybe try contacting Mind? They offer free or heavily discounted counselling sessions for people on lower incomes. Worth a look.


Best of luck in your move, I hope it works out positively for you and your family.

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