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Embarrasing moments!

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Started work at a top company, and i was offered a brew, all they had was all the herbal stuff, so i played along like i supped it everyday, i chose a lovely raspberry tea, as it arrived i promptly topped the cup of herbal tea with milk, Erguh, disgusting, mind you some of the looks i got from the board of directors were priceless

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Not me but a date I nearly went on. As a nurse I had a date with an attractive doctor. As I approached this cinema , where I had promised to meet him. He was standing outside and it was very windy. He had a toupee on, which blew off in the wind leaving him bald. I quickly turned round and walked the other way !:roll:

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Not me but a date I nearly went on. As a nurse I had a date with an attractive doctor. As I approached this cinema , where I had promised to meet him. He was standing outside and it was very windy. He had a toupee on, which blew off in the wind leaving him bald. I quickly turned round and walked the other way !:roll:


Did you ever see him again, If you did what was your excuses?

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I went to a Chinese restaurant for a meal and was wearing a skirt I had made and was very proud of (think it was the only thing I'd ever made that looked like it should!) I could have died when we were shown to our table and the table cloth was identical to my skirt

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Years ago when i was about twenty five i paid a visit to use the sunbeds at my gym. They forgot to tell me that the men were using the ladies changing room and showers at the time. I came from the sunbeds wrapped in a towel to be confronted with lots of naked and partially dressed men. I was mortified but i just put on my best casual look and said "What's a matter have you never seen a woman before?" I then rushed into the nearest empty cubicle and had a mini melt down . I waited until i couldn't hear anybody then got dressed quickly and rushed out. I never said anything to the gym i was so embarrassed.

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